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Tony Tony
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6 Active Ads
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Diesel/Petrol/Paraffin/Motor Oils We supply & deliver diesel, petrol, paraffin, gas
and motor oils with our own trucks to ensure constant and uninterrupted supply
at competitive prices. Total, Engen and Caltex brands. We supply tanks, pumps
together with plans, licensing and installations.1000-40000 lts delivered.
Bio-diesel & imported fuels available shortly Finance for Diesel-Petrol-Paraffin PurchasesWe do bulk and mini diesel/petrol/paraffin and oil deliveries in
surrounding Durban areas. We willsupply you with a tank and
dispenser if your volume qualifies. We can arrange finance for your diesel
purchases to qualifying customers. T and C’s apply. We are media consultants
for the advertiser whereby we will pass your details/interest to our client who
will contact you directly. ParaffinQuantities apply .Packaging facility eg 750ml, 1lt, 5 lts also
available.Paraffin at R------ per litre delivered to
workshops ,factories, transport
companies or end users Petroleum TransportWe transport diesel ,petrol
, paraffin and oils. in Durban and surrounding areas. Any quantity between 1000
to 40000 lts but our speciality is 16000 lts. Competitive rates , and good
We are media consultants for the advertiser whereby we will pass
your details/interest to our client who will contact you directly.T & c’s
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Blocks/BricksWe supply quality blocks, bricks, pavers, retainers and
all types of building material at competitive prices, based in Scottburgh. Deliveries throughout KZN. Block prices start
from R7-00 inclusive, excluding delivery. We are media consultants for the
advertiser and your details will be passed onto our client for an immediate
response. Pavers/Retainers/Paving StonesRetainers at R15-00 for the entry level
type.Bigger stronger types available on request ,depending on the height and gradient of the bank. Made from quality
materials. Delivery arranged throughout although we specialise between Durban
and the South Coast. Bricks , blocks ,
pavers , concrete paving stone ,and all types of building material available. We
are media consultants for the advertiser and your details will be passed onto
our client for an immediate response .
6/12/18/36 months to pay
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4000 sq/m to let in Isipingo main road or building to your requirements. Good exposure from the
main road and on a very busy area. Suit retail , scrap metal , logistics , etc.
Property not serviced but services can be arranged. We can also arrange
containers to be set up if you are a start-up business. Rental you've never seen before.We are media
consultants for the advertiser and your communications will be forwarded
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We offer sand
,stone ,ash in bags , mini loads and
truck loads. In Durban and surrounding areas. River , building , plaster sand
,stone , and ash. Manufacturers of bricks/blocks/retainers and paving. Building
materials also available. 6/12/18/36 months to pay.We are private media consultant’s
for the advertiser , and your enquiry will be forwarded immediately
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We have many properties for sale in all residential areas form houses ,flats ,duplexes ,land .Commercial land ,warehouses, shops ,also available.We arrange finance / bonds etc. Rentals also available. We also require properties for our clients.Tenants available.New listing:Overport 2 b/room-1 bath parking Rates/Levies R1800 @ R950,000-00 neg
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We supply petroleum products to our customers who require 30 days terms for their purchases. When a customer requires fuel during the month we will request an amount from the investor ,deliver to them and invoice.On approxiamately two million in purchases per month ,we will pay +- fifty thousand rand per month,termed profits/commisions in returns depending on the customers orders.The facility is secured by collateral and if the customer defaults we call up the security/guarantees and the outstanding amount accrues interest.Limited to approved investors only.
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