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R 69,000
Selling My Stock!
Asset sale!
Brandable quality well selected Hoodies Sale!
Hoodies: R69 000 (from Giant Wholesale/Dealers only supplier
totals up to R103 000 you are saving R33 000+)
Stock includes:
15 x Captivity Boston Hoodie 280gsm Brushed Fleece x R230/unit 19 x Captivity Base Hoodie 240gsm Brushed Fleece x R185/unit299 x Amrod Mens and Ladies Omega Hoodie 260 g/m² x R210/unitUrgent Sale!
R 30,000
Selling My Stock!
Asset sale!
Brandable quality well selected Sweaters. Sale! This stock will set you up to service a large
community in the corporate industry.
Sweaters: Selling Price of R30 000 (from
Giant Supplier totals up to R 52438 you are saving R22 000+)
Stock includes:
240 x Amrod Mens and Ladies Stanford Sweater x
R 14,370
Selling My Stock!Asset sale!Brandable quality well selected Premium Tees. Sale! This stock will set you up to service a large
community in the corporate industry. Selling Price of R14370 (from
Giant supplier totals up to R 25 800+ you are saving R11 000+)Stock includes:25 x Fittees Fitted Tees 100% Cotton x
R85/unit9 x Fittees 7 Tees Cool Polycotton x R65/unit13 x Barron 145g Crew Neck T-Shirts Ladies 145g
100% Carded Cotton x R35/unit42 x Pro-Active 160g Heavyweight Lifestyle T-Shirt
CTH6 x R45/unit117 x Pro-Active 150g Ladies Fashion Fit T-Shirt
CTL1 x R45/unit90 x Pro-Active 150g Fashion Fit T-Shirt Long
Sleeve LTB4 x R45/unit
R 100,000
Asset sale!Brandable quality well selected Premium Tees, Hoodies and Sweaters. This stock will set you up to service a large community in the corporate industry.4 x Option opportunities to choose from: Choose the one that suits you.Option 1 = Tees: Selling Price of R14370 (from Giant Wholesale to Dealer supplier totals
up to R 25 800+ you are saving R11 000+)Stock includes:25 x Fittees Fitted Tees 100% Cotton x R85/unit9 x Fittees 7 Tees Cool Polycotton x R65/unit13 x Barron 145g Crew Neck T-Shirts Ladies 145g 100%
Carded Cotton x R35/unit42 x Pro-Active 160g Heavyweight Lifestyle T-Shirt CTH6 x R45/unit117 x Pro-Active 150g Ladies Fashion Fit T-Shirt CTL1 x R45/unit90 x Pro-Active 150g Fashion Fit T-Shirt Long Sleeve
LTB4 x R45/unit Option 2 = Sweaters: Selling Price of R30 000 (from Giant Wholesale/Dealer Supplier
totals up to R 52438 you are saving R22 000+)Stock includes:240 x Amrod Mens and Ladies Stanford Sweater x R125/unit Option 3 = Hoodies: R69 000 (from Giant Wholesale/Dealer supplier
totals up to R103 000 you are saving R33 000+)Stock includes:15 x Captivity Boston Hoodie 280gsm Brushed Fleece x R230/unit19 x Captivity Base Hoodie 240gsm Brushed Fleece x R185/unit299 x Amrod Mens and Ladies Omega Hoodie 260 g/m² x R210/unitOption 4:Selling price R100 000.00 you will receive the
following:Saving a total of R66 000+BrandE
Facebook PageBrandE
Registered Domain1 x
Sawgrass SG500 Sublimation printer (never been opened for a service)Stock
includes: Options 1 + Option 2 + Option 3
Why Invest?
Market Demand:
Businesses constantly seek professional branding and signage solutions to
stand out in competitive industries, ensuring ongoing demand.Flexible
Business Model:
This business can operate with a lean team for efficiency or scale up to
accommodate larger orders and corporate contracts.
Key Features:
comprehensive services is key, from branding needs, including promotional
materials, to corporate gifting and many more.Start
building a new customer base that will return in no time for repeat
orders, and word-of-mouth referrals will continue to drive new business.Build
on a strong industry reputation – this business has the potential to
deliver high-quality products, and it's in your hands.
Whether you’re an industry professional looking to expand
your portfolio or an entrepreneur seeking a profitable venture, this type of
business offers enough for you to get started immediately. This is an
exceptional opportunity that you won’t want to miss!
StrandSuccessfully Added to List
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