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Pravesh Dhanraj
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Tender CompanyPty + BEE + Tax Pin+WCA letter of Goodstanding + VATCSD + Safety File = R7888Whatsapp 081 538 3379Email Service since 2000 Pay after regShelf Companies with Vat Reg 081538 3379Pay after Registration Guaranteed Service since 2000Pty + BEE + Income Tax + Tax Pin + CSD + Paye UIF SDL BEE + VAT + Safety File
Pay after regPty + BEE + Taxpin = R988Start Up PackagePty + BEE + Tax Pin = R988 pay after reg. The CIPC Name Reservation takes 1-2 days. Please choose a unique name so that the name can be reserved with speed.We require your id card both sides to be scanned to us via whatsapp 081 538 3379. We will lodge documents for you. You will be required to pay upon registration there is no upfront fees.The BEE is an affadavit drawn up by Pravesh (Comm of Oath ) who will confirm that you are a level one start up black empowered company.Tax Pin : The tax pin was previously known as the tax clearance however companies are vetting via SARS efiling online.Free Share Certificate of 100 %.CSD Ektekweni Database RegistrationsPty + BEE + Tax Pin + CSD + Ektekweni Database.This is as above however a banking account will be opened then we will proceed with the database registrations.These registrations provide you with the opportunities to tender for tenders.isit us @143 Centre Road, Parlock up the road from Solly
Office hours from 7 am until 6pm. Monday to Saturday.
Established since 2000.Workmans Compensation RegistrationWorkmans Compensation Registration and Application for Good Standing = R1800Workmans Compensation Annual Return Return of Earnings R1000 with Application for Letter of Goodstanding.B2B Shelf Companies CIPC Cleaning Security Plumbing Electrical Aged Vintage Ptys 081 538 3379Company Registrations By Pravesh Pay after Reg Guaranteed Service since 2000.Pty + BEE + Tax Clearance =R988Pty + BEE + Tax Clearance + CSD + WCA= R2888Durban Pty + BEE + Tax Pin = R988 Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + CSD = R1500Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + WCA letter of goodstanding = R2888Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + VAT + WCA + PAYE =R3888CIPC NPC Non Profit Company Registration R2888Name Reservation Takes 1 - 2 days and then 1 day to register Companies. Companies Documents are emailded to you directly.Durban Company Profile R700 5 PageCompany CV R1800Company Profile with Website and 10 emails R3500Logo Design R1500Trademark Registration R1888Trust Registration R 2500Business Creditors Agreement R1500Employee Contract R500CIPC Directors Changes R570CIPC Shareholders Certificate R250CIPC Annual Returns as per CIPCImport Export Code R3000Workmans Compensation with Letter Goodstanding R1800Builders Package with Safety File R6888Electrical Package R8888Security PSIRA Registration R12000Cleaning Company Registration R6888Monthly Books From R1500 per monthAnnual Books Under R300k Turnover R2400Annual Books under R500k Turnover R3600Books with Vat Returns from R700 per month
Shelf Companies 2024latest namesmeganet mediaarabia 786star max buildersimpact management 2000Price 1800 includes pty tax number tax pin bee beneficial ownership and share certificate2023 Shelf Companies R35002022 Shelf Companies R60002015 Shelf Company R18000
Directors Changes COR 39Doc requiredId copiesCompany Docs /Registration NumberUpdated of BEE Certificate Public Officer Share Certificate and beneficial ownership. R1500Or just Director Changes R488Shelf Companies2022 R5000includesPTY COR39Directors changesName ChangesCIPC Annual FeesTax Number and Tax PinBeneficial OwnershipShare Certificate2023 Shelf Companies Available R3500Whatsapp 081 538 3379
Documents Required R350CSD RegistrationCIPC Company Banking StatmentTax PinID CopiesTime Period 2/3 daysMAAA Supplier IdentificationOptionalCIDB Registration level oneMasterbuilders RegistrationDomains RegistrationsWhatsapp 081 538 3379
Import Export Registration R3000
CIPC Beneficial Ownership R480 Pravesh0815383379UPdated Annuals ReturnsIT14s Tax PinMonthly BooksCompany Registrations By Pravesh Pay after Reg Guaranteed Service since 2000.Pty + BEE + Tax Clearance =R988Pty + BEE + Tax Clearance + CSD + WCA= R1888Durban Pty + BEE + Tax Pin = R988 Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + CSD = R1500Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + WCA letter of goodstanding = R2888Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + VAT + WCA + PAYE =R3888
Vat PackagePty + BEE + Tax Pin + VAT Registration = R2888 VAT CSD WCA Tender Package R3888Pty + VAT + Tax Pin + VAT Reg + Workmans Compen+ Letter of GoodStanding = R3888071348340 app 081 538 After Reg Est Since 2000
Whatsapp 081 538 3379Email 2000.
Vat Reg Pty Pty BEE Tax Pin Vat WCA R3888 pay after reg 081 538 3379
CIPC Annual Returns
Backlog Books Tax Returns
IT14s Backlog Books Updated Tax Pin
Books Under R300 000
Only R2800 Sole Props, CC Ptys
Vat Returns R950 per retur
Quotes Available for Complex/Backlog Books
Discounts and Payment Plans Arranged.
Dormant Returns per return plus updated TaxPin CIPC Fees!!
B2B Shelf Companies CIPC Cleaning Security Plumbing Electrical Aged Vintage Ptys 081 538 3379Company Registrations By Pravesh Pay after Reg Guaranteed Service since 2000.Name Reservation Takes 1 - 2 days and then 1 day to register Companies. Companies Documents are emailded to you directly.Durban Company Profile R700 5 PageCompany CV R1800Company Profile with Website and 10 emails R3500Logo Design R1500Trademark Registration R1888Trust Registration R 2500Business Creditors Agreement R1500Employee Contract R500CIPC Directors Changes R570CIPC Shareholders Certificate R250CIPC Annual Returns as per CIPCImport Export CodeWorkmans Compensation with Letter Goodstanding R1800Builders Package with Safety File R8 800Electrical Package R8888Security PSIRA Registration R12000Cleaning Company Registration R6888Monthly Books From R1500 per monthAnnual Books Under R300k Turnover R2400Annual Books under R500k Turnover R3600Books with Vat Returns from R700 per monthQuotations given on more complex Items.Pravesh Company Registration has been in established since 2001. Pravesh operates from 143 Centre Road, Up the road from Solly Manjras.Payment is only required after Registration except for Logos and Trademarks.Shelf Companies Available Shelf Companies Names Vat Registration
Workmans Compensation Letter of Goodstanding Safety File CIDB Reg CSD Reg 081 538 3379 PraveshWorkmans Compensation Registration and Letter of Goodstanding
Workmans Compensation is a registration with the Department
of Labour. The registration provides you with insurance for business for directors
and employees.
Workmans Compensation is a must for Safety Officers and the Safey File.
Once a registration is done and payments made, a Letter of Goodstanding applied
How long does it take?
Registration takes from 1 – 7 days.
How much does it cost ?
Our fees is R1800 and the fees paid to the Departments varies
from R1800 to R7000. Similar to a car licence WCA COIDA is annual fee that must
be paid.
What documents do we require from you ?
We require your pty documents and your employee details.
We strongly recommend that PAYE UIF SDL and Business Indeminity
Insurance also be taken.
Our safety file is for corporate work. We advise all our
clients to be registered to CIDB and to have the medicals done on key staff
Note. Compliance of
Documents results in good vendor and tender relationships.Company Registrations Durban by Pravesh
Visit us @143 Centre Road, Parlock up the road from Solly
Office hours from 7 am until 6pm. Monday to Saturday.
Established since 2000.Workmans Compensation RegistrationWorkmans Compensation Registration and Application for Good Standing = R1800Workmans Compensation Annual Return Return of Earnings R1000 with Application for Letter of Goodstanding.B2B Shelf Companies CIPC Cleaning Security Plumbing Electrical Aged Vintage Ptys 081 538 3379Company Registrations By Pravesh Pay after Reg Guaranteed Service since 2000.Pty + BEE + Tax Clearance =R988Pty + BEE + Tax Clearance + CSD + WCA= R1888Durban Pty + BEE + Tax Pin = R988 Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + CSD = R1500Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + WCA letter of goodstanding = R1888Pty + BEE + Tax Pin + VAT + WCA + PAYE =R2888CIPC NPC Non Profit Company Registration R2888Name Reservation Takes 1 - 2 days and then 1 day to register Companies. Companies Documents are emailded to you directly.Durban Company Profile R700 5 PageCompany CV R1800Company Profile with Website and 10 emails R3500Logo Design R1500Trademark Registration R1888Trust Registration R 2500Business Creditors Agreement R1500Employee Contract R500CIPC Directors Changes R570CIPC Shareholders Certificate R250CIPC Annual Returns as per CIPCImport Export Code R3000Workmans Compensation with Letter Goodstanding R1800Builders Package with Safety File R4888Electrical Package R8888Security PSIRA Registration R12000Cleaning Company Registration R6888Monthly Books From R1500 per monthAnnual Books Under R300k Turnover R2400Annual Books under R500k Turnover R3600Books with Vat Returns from R700 per monthQuotations given on more complex Items.
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