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R 6,700
History Enthusiasts and True Crime Collectors in South Africa:Collector's Item For Sale!Rare Historical Item for Sale: 1971 Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary with Personal Connection to South African History and Crime.Hendrik Johannes Slippers was a member of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) and known as Terre'Blanche's right-hand man. He was also involved in several criminal activities in South Africa during the 1990s and early 2000s.Involvement in AWB Activities:1990 Murder in Belfast: Slippers participated in the abduction and murder of George Ngomane in Belfast, Mpumalanga, as part of enforcing the AWB’s “white-by-night” policy. He was denied amnesty for the murder but granted amnesty for the Against Eugene Terre’Blanche: In 1997, Slippers and fellow AWB members accused their leader, Eugene Terre’Blanche, of cowardice, alleging he distanced himself from acts of sabotage executed under his Murders in Rustenburg:Incident Details: After his release for the murder of George in Belfast, Slippers went to his home town and fatally shot his ex-wife, Hazel Kinnear (24), and her parents, George (46) and Merle Smith (43) - for reasons still unknown. Two of Kinnear’s sisters, Judy Smith and Wendy Kral, were also wounded during the attack. He left his daughter (mentioned in the video attached), Dianna (6) alive. news24.comManhunt and Arrest: Following the murders, Slippers evaded immediate capture, leading to a police was found hiding in a deepfreezer at his parents house. He received 20 years imprisonment instead of going on death row, as the death penalty was demolished just a couple of years prior to the event.Why This Is a Unique Collector’s Item:These dictionaries are one-of-a-kind because of their personal connection to Hendrik Slippers and the historical events surrounding him. These books were also some of the little possessions he kept with him for 20 years in the Pretoria Central Prison.Handwritten inscriptions inside both volumes and on the page edges of both books, with Hendrik’s initial and surname, make this set even more valuable to collectors who specialise in true crime or South African political memorabilia.The murder trial, the AWB’s involvement, and his death row near miss make this an incredibly rare piece of the country’s past.Slippers served his full 20 years in prison for the murders. He spent almost a lifetime behind bars and was released under parole in the year 2019. He passed away shortly after his release due to multiple medical implications. Serious buyers can contact me at for any enquiries or to see verification of authenticity. The listing price is negotiable.
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R 330
This book is excellent condition. The dustcover shows the only wear and tear; the inside of the book, however, is as good as new!
No Man's Land is the story of 1918, the climatic final year of WW1. As 1918 began, millions of war-weary soldiers in the freezing trenches of the Western Front were subjected to the heaviest bombardment the great nations could deliver, while far behind the lines generals planned even more costly and destructive offensivesbin an attempt to break the seemingly endless stalemate.
The German General Staff were confident that their next big push would finish the Allies before American armies could shift the balance of power. But the year's end saw the Germans suing for peace as the Kaizer went into excile in Holland.
John Toland's epic work reads with the narrative drive and immediacy of a novel but has all the authority of the great study that it is. Ranging across all theaters of the war, it embraces the collapse of empires, top-secret confrontations among the high commands and the vividly told individual acts of heroism and despair of the ordinary soldiers.
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R 250
This book, published in 1970, is still brand new
The Missing Link by Maitland A. Edey explore humanity's eduring quest for self-understanding. From the ancient Greek aphorism "Know thyself" to modern psychology, Edey examines how religion, philosophy and science shaped our understanding of human nature. However, besides centuries of exploration, a crucial piece of the puzzle remains exclusive. Edey delves into the missing link, questioning whether true self-knowledge can ever be fully attained.
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R 120
This book has some damage to the dustcover on the front and the back. The inside of the book, however, is as good as new!
Die oorspronklike uitgawe vn hierdie boek het in 1955 in Duitsland verskyn, en reeds 'n jaar later is dit in Afrikaans vertaal onder die title "Die Klippe Het Dit Uitgeroep". Weldra was die pakkende werk uit die pen van die Duitse wetenskapskrywer, Werner Keller, 'n wereldwye treffer en is miljoene eksemplare daarvan in 24 tale verkoop. Oral - in leeslingssale van universiteite en samekomste van Bybelstydie kringe, onder gelowiges en ongelowiges - is die opspraakwekkende boek bespreek en het dit mense met nuwe oe na die Heilige Skrif laat kyk.
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R 150
ISBN: 9780409032758
Condition: Good
There are minimal highlighter marks on one or two pages of this book. The page edges are a bit browned of use and the binding seperated a bit from page number 694. Pages are still firmly attached - no torn or missing pages.
8 Jaar het verloop sedert die Vyfde Uitgawe - end it sonder 'n enkele byhouer. Dis 'n jammerte, veral gesien die vele veranderinge op die gebied van die strafproses in die tussentyd. Die tydvak is trouens gekenmerk deur die ingerypende omwentelinge oor die hele staatkundige en maatskaplike spektrum. Vir regslui was die belangrikste oor die hele koms van 'n volledige beregbare Handves van Regte wat deur die staat en al sy organe eerbiedig moet word. Alle howe moet die gees, strekking en oogmerke daarvan bevorder en voor oe hou by die uitleg en toepassing van iedere regsreel, hetsy gemeenregtelik hetsy wetteregtelik. Die kernbepaling wat die strafproses betref, is GW 35, wat die regte van gearresteerdes, aangehoudenes en beskuldigdes haarfyn uitstip. Verskeie ander Handvesvoorskrifte speel egter ook 'n rol.
Omdat daar in die kommentaar so dikwels verwys word na bepalings van die Grondwet, word die bogenoemde gesiteer as "GW" sus of so, byvoorbeeld "GW 35(3)(h)".
Enkele Suid-Afrikaanse werke is so algemeen bekend (sien die lys "Bekende bronne" hierby) sat hul sitering insgelyks verkort word (byvoorbeeld "Schmidt" vir bewysreg 4 uitgawe deur Schmidt en Rademeyer, Butterworths, Durban 2000) Buitelandse hofverslae word met hul geykte voorletters gesiteer (byvoorbeeld "ECHR", "AC", "US", "CRR") en die betrokke howe dergelik (byvoorbeeld "House of Lords"of "Supreme Court").
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R 300
The cover of this book is a bit damaged, with scuff marks and small rips on the edges. This is expected, as the book was published in 1988. The inside of the book is in excellent condition, though. Still almost has that new book smell
Nuusmakers: ‘n Oorsig oor persone in die nuus en hul prestasies
Kernbewapening: die wedloop slaan ‘n nuwe koers inWêreldekonomie: “Swart Maandag” laat die pilare wankel (Fokus op: SA Wêreldhandelsentrum)Osoonlaag: ‘n sambreel teen die doodRekenaars: al kleiner. kragtiger, vinniger en slimmerSiamese tweelinge: ‘n mediese noodtoestandSupergeleiers: ‘n Nobel prys werdBerlynse Muur: skandmonument van die Koue OorlogIsrael: 40 jaar van konflik met die ArabiereEnergie: krag vir môre
Afrika: ekonomiese herstel ‘n prioriteit
Staatkundige ontwikkeling: die politiek van bedingingProduktiwiteit: die sleutel tot welvaart (Fokus op: Wetenskapparke)Sport: isolasie raak swaar om te sluk (Fokus op: Fietsry)Toerisme: potensieel Suid-Afrika se rykste bedryfBejaardes: ‘n mag om mee rekening te hou
R 350
ISBN: 090923843XThe dust cover of this book has some damage on the front, back, and spine. Considered normal damage since the book was published in 1979. The inside pages show some signs of being used but no extreme damage. No torn or missing pagesSouth Africa in Two World Wars is a gripping account of South Africa’s involvement in World War 1 and 2, recaptured by those who took part and reflected through the newspapers of the time.As he did with his best-selling book, Vic Alhadeff punctuates the narrative with poignant first-hand anecdotes and takes readers behind the front line into the heat of the battle, to where a staggering sixty million men, women, and children died.Private Fred Hampson relives the hell that was the Battle of Delville Wood...The assassination of the Archduke of Austria1914 RebellionEast African CampaignChamberlain’s ultimatum to GermanyDan Pienaar, Sidi Rezegh, Gazala, Tobruk, El Alamein – names which have become legend in South African history—are all brought back to lifeThe tales are countless, stark, and chilling. Plunging the reader into the trenches and prisoner-of-war camps.
R 500
To the Bitter End by Emanoel Lee is written around a unique collection of photographs taken during the Boer War, the majority previously unpublished. When the war started, light, simple Kodak cameras had recently come on the market, and for the first time, events could be seen through the lens of the amateur photographer. Yet very few of these amateur pictures were published at the time, despite the appearance of numerous publications featuring professional photographs of the war. Here, however, posed official war photographs are replaced by startling images of real-life bloodshed, military incompetence, and civilian suffering, taken by those most closely involved.Pictured in this book, amongst other photographs, are:Bringing the wounded down from Spionkop hill the morning after the battleBaden-Powell was called ‘Bathing Towel’ by his menSurgeon in a tent operating on a patient’s neck. Rubber gloves were not used until 1904. The anaesthetic was usually chloroform dripped on to a mask over the patient’s face.Early portable X-Ray machine used at LadysmithBoer photographs taken on the morning after the Battle of Spionkop. The British trench has become a mass grave.General Cronje after his surrender at PaardebergBoers signing the loyalty oath after surrendering (1900)
I can create a digital advertisement design tailor-made to your brand and ready-to-share on whichever social media platform you choose!Get a high-quality digital image for your upcoming special, event, or product launch, custom made with your requirements and business branding, ready to share within 1–2 days! . - Attract new clients- Increase your brand awareness- get your audience to engage with your business- Increase your sales! All this is possible with an eye-catching design and the power of social media!How it works: 1. Contact me through the Gumtree chat facility or by WhatsApp on 0679631225 with a description of what you need me to design. (texting the details to me is preferred for easy reference throughout the process.)2. I send you a quote based on that specific design 3. 50% deposit required upfront 4. I create the design and send you a sample of it within one to two days.5. If you are happy, you pay the other 50% of the payment amount, and I send you the original design, which you can then use wherever you choose!Please note:The timeframe set for completing the design depends on whether payment of deposit is made in time and provision of extra elements needed (for example, an image of your business logo) to complete the design are provided by the client in a timely manner.
I can create a digital advertisement design tailor-made to your brand and ready-to-share on whichever social media platform you choose!Get a high-quality digital image for your upcoming special, event, or product launch, custom made with your requirements and business branding, ready to share within 1–2 days! . - Attract new clients- Increase your brand awareness- get your audience to engage with your business- Increase your sales! All this is possible with an eye-catching design and the power of social media!How it works: 1. Contact me through the Gumtree chat facility or by WhatsApp on 0679631225 with a description of what you need me to design. (texting the details to me is preferred for easy reference throughout the process.)2. I send you a quote based on that specific design 3. 50% deposit required upfront 4. I create the design and send you a sample of it within one to two days.5. If you are happy, you pay the other 50% of the payment amount, and I send you the original design, which you can then use wherever you choose!Please note:The timeframe set for completing the design depends on whether payment of deposit is made in time and provision of extra elements needed (for example, an image of your business logo) to complete the design are provided by the client in a timely manner.
I can create a digital advertisement design tailor-made to your brand and ready-to-share on whichever social media platform you choose!Get a high-quality digital image for your upcoming special, event, or product launch, custom made with your requirements and business branding, ready to share within 1–2 days! . - Attract new clients- Increase your brand awareness- get your audience to engage with your business- Increase your sales! All this is possible with an eye-catching design and the power of social media!How it works: 1. Contact me through the Gumtree chat platform with a description of what you need me to design2. I send you a quote based on that specific design 3. 50% deposit required upfront 4. I create the design and send you a sample of it within one to two days.5. If you are happy, you pay the other 50% of the payment amount, and I send you the original design, which you can then use wherever you choose!Please note:The timeframe set for completing the design depends on whether payment of deposit is made in time and provision of extra elements needed (for example, an image of your business logo) to complete the design are provided by the client in a timely manner.
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