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Jason .
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I'm looking to buy certain old and newer analog synthesizers and drum machines.
Working or not.
Roland, Yamaha, Sequential, Dave Smith, ARP, Moog, Korg, Oberheim, Simmons, etc.
I'm also looking for interesting FX units. Delays, reverbs, phasers, flangers, EQs, compressors, etc.
If you have anything that you think might be of interest, please get in touch.
# synth synthesiser studio recording gear
analogue digital audio midi live keyboard keyboards music analogue
R 15,000
A really nice pair of classic PMC passive monitor speakers.
Serviced, foam replaced, original cloth covers included.
A reluctant sale. They’re just a bit too big for my room.
Can courier nationwide at buyers expense once funds have cleared. Boxes and packing materials are included in the asking price.
R15 000 for the pair.
R 15,000
A really nice pair of classic PMC passive studio monitors.
In good shape overall, a few dings here and there on the sides (see photos for the worst of it) but nothing major. They come with the original cloth covers and they even have sequential serials.
A reluctant sale. They’re just a bit too big for my room.
Can courier nationwide at buyers expense once funds have been cleared. Boxes and packing materials are included.
R15 000 for the pair.
Contact f/price
I’m looking to buy a Nagra IV-S stereo reel to reel.Please get in touch if you’re selling.Thanks.# tape machine reel to reel analog analogue recorder studio field recording hifi film sound kudelski IVS IV S
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