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Army of Two – Classics (Xbox 360) for sale at GAMING4GEEKS.
R 250
8 Photo(s)
1 month ago57 views
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General Details
We at GAMING4GEEKS are selling the Xbox 360 game, Army of Two (pre-played) for the unbelievable price of only R250. Our company has a, "say no to piracy policy" which means we don't encourage or take part in any form of piracy whatsoever. All our products have been tested and work 100%. For peace of mind, we do offer a full guarantee on all our products.
Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem are two ex Army Rangers turned contractors for SSC, a Private Military Corporation. They embark on missions ranging from the caves of Afghanistan all the way to abandoned villages of China. Mission after mission, they realize that the wonderful life of a PMC at SSC might not be as clean as they thought it was is.
Army of Two focuses on gameplay centered around cooperative two man missions and customizable weapons. The arsenal includes pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, rocket launchers, light machine guns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers and assault rifles. Players are able to modify these with extra magazines and new barrels, suppressors, grip handles and different plates that only change the look. The player fights alongside either a live or AI team mate using two man strategies as the deadliest military outfit a government can buy. Players can lift each other up ledges, heal, cover each other’s backs, combine driving a vehicle and shooting, feign death, swap weapons, protect each other with shields, perform dual parachute jumps and go “aggro” to attack the enemy’s attention.
The multiplayer mode is available for four players, operating in two teams based on the co-op structure of the single-player game. Players need to complete objectives divided over three modes – Warzone, Bounties and Extraction – while dealing with the opposing team at the same time.
How the trade system works
1. Contact us via WhatsApp, with a list of your games (you can also send some photos) and the condition they are in.
2. Once we had a look at what you've got, we'll decide what we want and get back to you.
3. There will be a small fee added to this trade.
We're situated in the Western Cape, Nothern Suburbs, Goodwood area.
For further information regarding the game and how the trade system works, don't hesitate to contact us via, phone or WhatsApp. Our details are, Name: Adrian (GAMING4GEEKS) / Cell: 071 734 6951
Id Subtitle 1310445402
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