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Social Media Coordinator

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General Details
Advertised By:Agency
Company Name:Job Placements
Job Type:Full-Time

Please ensure that you have the required experience when applying. You need to have experience in the following:

Content Creation and Community Engagement
Develop and distribute engaging, audience-targeted content to enhance brand visibility and grow online communities
Actively respond to comments and messages, collaborating with customer service to address inquiries
Provide recommendations on managing challenging consumer interactions and when to engage in discussions on behalf of the brand

Content Scheduling and Publishing
Oversee the scheduling and timely publishing of content, including spontaneous posts during weekends, holidays, or after hours
Coordinate major content rollouts and campaigns across various platforms

Performance Monitoring and Strategy Development
Track and analyze performance metrics, identifying growth opportunities and suggesting revenue-driving strategies to meet key performance indicators (KPIs)
Monitor consumer feedback, address potential issues, and collaborate with relevant teams for resolution

Collaboration and Campaign Implementation
Work with the digital marketing team to execute paid social campaigns and promotional activities
Explore and recommend emerging social media platforms and digital channels to reach new audiences
Investigate e-commerce opportunities on platforms such as Amazon, TikTok Shop, and other digital marketplaces

Adoption of New Technologies
Assist in identifying and adopting innovative social technologies to enhance engagement


Id Subtitle 1311399688
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