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High end slate Pool table- Urgent relocation sale!
R 8,900
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7 days ago91 views
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Fitted with superior Hainsworth cloth. Only 1 year old. Has a separate table tennis top for some ping pong. Comes with cover, cues, balls, triangle, chalk, wall stand for cues, and all table tennis accessories. Paid R17k a year ago. Will throw in the specalized LED light above the table - Relocation sale
Id Subtitle 1316405053
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R 285
Samurai Cue 9mm Glued Tip2 Piece 1/2 Break CueRubber endLength 145Approximately 19ozNationwide courier available (please inquire)We welcome collection at our store in JHBContact Sasha 079 815 3612 or Raquel 063 912 0105 Don't miss out on this fantastic cue - perfect for your game
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Eurasian Amusements
R 3,000
It is not ready to run.WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO RESTORE THE BUGGY:New set of Hex screwdrivers. The ones I have are as old as the buggy itself and some of them broke with age.Pull Starter Kit or replacement ropes for old ones.A correct sized replacement screw.4 AA Batteries.Spray paint to customize it to your liking.OTHER INFORMATION:(L x W x H) 49.6 cm x 30.5 cm x 18 cm.3.2 KG Weight.80+ KM/H Top Speed.HISTORY OF THE BUGGY & WHAT IS WRONG WITH IT:Buggy has been in use since the late 2000s up to 2019.The original engine lasted a really long time until it stopped starting.I upgraded the Buggy with an Alpha .28, 3 Port Engine in 2017. A more powerful engine compared to the Original PRO.28 engine.It was still working until my pull starters ropes snapped late 2019.Then 2020 happened.It has been sitting in my room unused since 2019.The buggy has signs of wear and tear, especially underneath it on the skid plate.Front left wheel is a bit more skew than the others, it is adjustable with the correct tool.I replaced both rear shocks. That is why they are different colors. One of the older shocks broke.The skid plate underneath is bent a little upwards in the front and rear, if that makes sense. Either it is due to all the crashes the buggy has been involved in both rear and front wise. OR it could be because of the ramps that were done on-road, with how the buggy landed on the road and grinding the skid plate material down over time to look like that. It could be both. I am unsure if it was always like this for a good reason, which allows the buggy to have better clearance without getting stuck when off-road.Front right wheel axle is cable tied to enable 4WD due to a tiny rod that went missing. Without it tied, then the buggy is 3WD, the front right wheel still functions without it tied.I no longer have AA batteries for the remotes. (4 needed for normal remote and 8 for the digital)One missing screw that hold down the electronic control arm that turns the front wheels left or right. It is suspended in the air without both screws, not sure if you really want to use it this way.I made sure to check if every screw was tightened.Tarnish.This model of buggy is extremely durable. Replacement parts are easy to find here locally.REASON FOR SALE:I am no longer interested in the hobby. Was hoping to return to it after all these years but never did.It is taking up space in my room and collecting dust.WHAT YOU GET WITH THIS PURCHASE:Basically everything in the pictures, but here is a list for you.Thunder Tiger EB4 S3 Buggy.2.4Ghz Remote.Digital Remote with a receiver, unsure if the receiver works.Unopened/Unused Glow Plug.Working Glow Plug Starter.Broken Glow Plug Starter.Charger for the Glow Plug Starter.Main rechargeable battery.Charger for the main battery.Clear body cover with stickers.2.5 Sets of extra wheels in good condition.Fuel transfer bottle.Old Used Wheels.Old Original Engine.Old Original Two Rear Shocks.Old Original Body Cover.Old Fuel.Old Hex Screwdrivers.
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4x IWP003 Fuel Injector For Fiat Palio Tetra Flex 1.4 8Vsold individually for R500 EachPINETOWN INJECTOR CLEANING SERVICES 073 4545 793 Calibration Certificate ! Flow tested 100% Leak Test 100% New lower O-ring New Upper O-rings New Filters Inductance Tested In good condition !
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