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Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200 Analog input 4 AI 6ES7231-4HD32-0XB0 / 6ES7 231-4HD32-0XB0
R 4,800
Reason for Reporting
Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200 Analog input 4 AI
+/-5 V,
+/-2.5 V,
or 0-20 mA/4-20 mA,
12 bit+sign (13 bit ADC)
Qty available: 2. The price is per item.
My business is located in Queensburgh, Durban, and I supply new, used, and refurbished surplus electrical and automation products. All used and open items are tested by me to ensure functionality. I offer a 1 year warranty on all products. I can repair HMI's, touch screens, operator panels, and AC Drives (VSD/VFD). If you have any questions or require a quote, please contact me via Gumtree, or phone/whatsapp +27829265735. I send items countrywide, and worldwide. Typical courier cost for small items is R300.00 overnight to major centres in South Africa. Items are tracked and well packed. Outlying areas are 3-4 days delivery.
International delivery via DHL express, payment options PayPal or Payoneer
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