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Chrome Push-fit Bushings for 8mm Tuner Holes (6.2mm internal Diameter) set of 6

R 99

9 months ago79 views
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For Sale By:Dealer

Generally speaking, most guitars have either 8mm tuner holes or 10mm tuners holes. The 8mm tuner holes normally require push-in bushings which have an internal diameter of 6mm to accommodate vintage style tuner posts. Over time these bushings can wear out or rust, which is why we have these sets of replacement bushings.

Please note: by purchasing these bushings we will assume you have measured your guitar and know which size is suitable for your guitar. See dimensions in pic.

Guitar parts available from our online store:

Pickups & Electrical Components to Amplify Your Guitar, Control Plates, Jack Plates, Neck Plates, Pickup Covers, Pickup Mounting Rings, Screws, Springs, Straps, Strap Buttons, Strap-locks, String Trees, Knobs. Acoustic, Electric, Tremolo Bridge & Tailpiece, Machine Head Tuners, Scratch plates / Pick guards, Pre-wired loaded pickguards, Potentiometers, Toggle Switches, Selector Switches, Luthier tools, Etc…

A great selection of direct replacement parts for Gibson or Fender type electric guitars as well as guitar accessories.

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Id Subtitle 1281523627
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Kurt TIltman
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