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Mint Green Guitar Tremolo Cavity Cover

R 69

17 days ago25 views
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For Sale By:Dealer

High Quality Guitar Tremolo Cavity Cover Backplate for Modern Style Electric Guitars. Fits Standard USA/Mex strat as well as most squiers. The one middle screw hole is off center, check that your guitar has the same layout. Our mint green is the same colour spec as Fender USA. Our pickguards and backplate covers all match in terms of colour shade but we can not guarantee an exact colour match for your current plastics on your guitar. All plastics darken as they age too. White becomes cream eventually. White used to become mint green in vintage guitars due to the materials used at the time for pickguards so this colour mint green is meant to mimic that. It is not the bright lime green some cheaper pickguards and backplates come as.

Size: 145*92mm

Color: Mint Green

Material: PVC, 3ply

Style: Strat guitar back cover.

* Cut perfectly, with clean surface and smooth edge (sometimes covers may appear rough around the edges in pictures but this is just the protective plastic cover that peels off)

–screws sold separately

Guitar parts available from our online store:

Pickups & Electrical Components to Amplify Your Guitar, Control Plates, Jack Plates, Neck Plates, Pickup Covers, Pickup Mounting Rings, Screws, Springs, Straps, Strap Buttons, Strap-locks, String Trees, Fingerboard Nuts, Knobs. Acoustic, Electric, Tremolo Bridge & Tailpiece, Machine Head Tuners, Scratch plates / Pick guards, Pre-wired loaded pickguards, Potentiometers, Toggle Switches, Selector Switches, Luthier tools, Etc…

A great selection of direct replacement parts for Gibson or Fender type electric guitars as well as guitar accessories.

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Id Subtitle 1315146398
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Kurt TIltman
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