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Stagg Guitar Amplifier
R 1,999
5 Photo(s)
15 days ago25 views
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For Sale By:Dealer
Selling a Syagg Guitar Amplifier in good working condition.
Model:KB 60
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Id Subtitle 1315444063
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Pickguard / Scratch plate for acoustic guitar. Vinyl Peels off and sticks on.Fits standard size acoustic guitars (40″ or 41″) Inner radius = 64mmGuitar parts available from our online store:
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I am selling this baby which I bought a while ago. This is a very beautiful made in Japan Ibanez Prestige guitar. It is a special edition with ash top and mahogany body. I changed the pickups with 3 Dimarzio, Liquid Fire for the neck, D-Activator for the Bridge, and Red Velvet for the middle. I also have all 3 original pickups inside the case as well. This isn't my go-to guitar, so it was rarely played. Most music stores do keep the Ibanez Prestige line anymore, as they get too expensive in South Africa. I paid around R15000 for it, but it costs a lot more since it has 3 good quality pickups. The quality of this guitar is truly out of the world. This wood smells great, the binding is perfect, beautiful finish and also its warm sounding rosewood fretboard. Don't want to let it go, but I have just got too many guitars.
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