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Parrot Perpetual Year Magnetic Whiteboard Planner 1200mm x 900mm- A41838
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For Sale By:Dealer
Parrot Perpetual Year Magnetic Whiteboard Planner 1200mm x 900mm-A41838 ,1 available, priced per item. We are a second hand shop with branches in Milnerton and Montague Gardens. Large selection of goods under one roof.
Id Subtitle 1317266330
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R 3,700
I won this in a raffle and I don't use single pedals. So it is brand new in original packaging, completely untouched.More Info:"Ever since being discontinued way back in 1984, the BOSS DM-2 Delay pedal has remained highly sought after by players everywhere for its warm, "bucket brigade" analog delay tone. Now, the DM is back! With the Waza Craft DM-2W, the coveted stomp has been reborn with switchable sound modes and greater versatility for today's music styles.Using 100-percent analog circuitry, the DM-2W’s Standard mode nails the lush sound and 20-300 ms delay range of the original DM-2. Flipping into Custom mode instantly changes the sound character to a cleaner analog tone with over twice the available delay time."Pickup in Century City (secure estate) or Canal Walk, cash only.
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R 1,600
Great condition. Collection in Milnerton.
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Alec Brynard
R 69
These potentiometers are custom made for Valley Sound according to our spec. The shaft is solid brass is thicker than your standard 8mm shaft, the shaft has the USA / CTS thread of 9.5mm, if your mounting hole is 8mm (which is normally the standard size for Asian import guitars) then you will need to widen the hole for this pot to work. The shaft is 18mm long for 500k which is perfect for mounting on wood and 15mm long for 250k which is perfect if you have a guitar that has a pickguard or control plate (like a Stratocaster or Telecaster) If you have a pickguard and want to use 500k pots then you will need to purchase either our 10mm spacer (which is also anti-spin) or a set of our extra nut and washer for CTS/USA spec pot and use one nut and washer behind the pickguard to get the correct height for your knob to fit perfectly on the other side.PRICE IS FOR 1 POT – Please add the desired amount of pots to your cart.Required hole size for mounting: 9.5mm (all the pickguards we sell at Valley Sound are USA spec with 9.5mm mounting holes)Pot diameter: 24mm (full size pot)Shaft length: 18mm (A500K/B500K); 15mm (A250K/B250K)Shaft Threaded diameter: 9.5mmShaft diameter for knob: 6mm (split)Includes 1 x washer and nut, if you want more to kind of create a spacer behind the pickguard please purchase “Nut and washer for USA / CTS Pot” separate (Not necessary for 15mm shaft)250k pots are usually used for volume and tone control on single coil pickups500k pots are usually used for volume and tone control on humbucker type pickupsSplit shafts are suitable for push-on control knobs, solid shafts are suitable for knobs that have a tightening screw.Guitar parts available from our online & Electrical Components to Amplify Your Guitar, Control Plates, Jack Plates, Neck Plates, Pickup Covers, Pickup Mounting Rings, Screws, Springs, Straps, Strap Buttons, Strap-locks, String Trees, Knobs. Acoustic, Electric, Tremolo Bridge & Tailpiece, Machine Head Tuners, Scratch plates / Pick guards, Pre-wired loaded pickguards, Potentiometers, Toggle Switches, Selector Switches, Luthier tools, Etc…A great selection of direct replacement parts for Gibson or Fender type electric guitars as well as guitar accessories.Please order
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Valley Sound
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