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A Tricked out Uberscoot 70x

R 6,500

Can I afford this?
29 days ago155 views
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General Details
For Sale By:Owner
Engine Displacement (cc):71

This scooter was very recently worked on with a objective of increasing its maximum usable top end speed without sacrificing to mach of its usability and practicality.

What we end up with is a ,,


2 stroke

2 speed gear drive

capable of just touching 90kph in the right conditions.

Stock standard these 2 stroke scooters like this top out at around 50 to 60 kph and around there give or take.

this one has had alot of labour and parts and changes done to it in order to achieve this much out from it, and not everything we tried made a difference, in fact some even had a negative effect on performance so there was trail and error development done in order to turn it into what it is now,

the scooter has been fully Serviced,

optimized and finely tuned,

new gearing ratio,

sprockets and chain,

Air filter,

velocity stack intake manifold,

New 15mm new diaphragm carburetor,

Performance tuned expansion chamber

New exhaust silencer with a reduced sized stinger

This scooter was just

modified for its maximum practical speed without to much trade off in adverse effects.

And we'll,

That's as much as we could squeeze out of its standard bore without any port work or timing and stuff like that changed.

The Internals were in such great shape we just left it as is instead of messing around with it.

Only serious buyers please contact me.

Price is negotiable apon viewing for serious buyers with there own money at hand!

No low ballers

This in not your average run of the mill scooter,

Even though it may look a bit understated.

It's anything but.

Just seeing the market.



Id Subtitle 1308737451
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Estimated monthly repaymentR 127
Total vehicle loan amountR 6,500
Total interestR 2,589
Total repaymentR 9,089
Interest rate at 11.75% for 72 months *
* The default interest rate is a guideline benchmarked against the prime lending rate. Banking institutions may choose to lend to individuals at a rate above or below our benchmark.
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