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Gabion baskets, Borehole drilling, Retaining walls, Tarring, Paving, Fencing, Tennis court experts
Reason for Reporting
We are specialises in the following below
*Borehole drilling,water surveying, cassing, pump and JoJo tank stand installation
*Gabion baskets supply and installation
*Retaining wall supply and installation
*Tarring driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, potholes, walk way pavements and speed humps
*Paving installation driveways, parking areas,walk way pavements
*Fencing Clearview, palisades, precast, cheap wire mesh and brick walls
*Building houses, boundaries and any other renovations
*Roof cleaning and painting
*Welding steel and aluminium barglas
Call on 0750065804
WhatsApp on 0609012978 to get a quote today with affordable prices it's disease now rush to get discount
Zero percent deposit payment, free quote around Durban.
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