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mixed brownstones lawns compost and topsoil
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We are affordable and our prices are cheap our services we provides are unique, just one phone call and we will upgrade your garden. Check our ad below LAWNS BROWN STONES COMPOST TOP SOILS DELIVERY kikuyu grass.....................................R60 PM2 lm BERIA grass............................................R100 PM2 buffalo grass......................................R120 PM2 gulf green...........................................R60 PM2 compost and top soils,,nutrients and nitrogen's **lawn dressing......................................R850/ M3 **topsoil.................................................850/ M3 **compost..............................................R850/ M3 **potting soil..........................................R850/ M3 **filling sand...........................................R700/ M3 13MM BROWNStones-------------------R1250 M3 19MM BROWN STONES-------------------R1200 M 3 13MM@19 MM GREY STONES----------R950 M 3 ur services we offers............... land preparation--taking out of old grass,removing the stones and old existing grass leveling----most of the grounds gradient are not level ,so in order to have a proper job done we do take our time to level your ground as much as we have a good foundation then we proceed compost " for more information ,,or your bookings ,,contact CHRISTOPHER ON 0827616989 or0780085570
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