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Freshly cut instant roll on lawn
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8 days ago18 views
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We are one of the best in the supply and installation of freshly cut instant roll on lawn all around western cape for free quotes don't hesitate to contact us on 0665750462
in stock:
# buffalo
this is a drought resistant grass which can grow even under shade over areas its strong even and needs low maintenance since it doesn't grow tall and also pet friendly
#lm beria
this is also a type of grass which can grow under shade over and sunny areas but needs a bit of maintenance because it can grow tall most of the people prefer it because of it's softness so it becomes kids friendly and also even to pets
# kikuyu
this one of the most affordable grass but needs sunny areas and needs maintenance
most people prefer it because of its eye catching green color very kids friendly
we also do:
artificial lawn
decorating stones
garden advice and its only one call away 0665750462
customer satisfaction is our priority!!!
Id Subtitle 1316213856
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Nigel Landscaper
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PAVING/ NATURAL GRASS/ ARTIFICIAL GRASS DECORATIVE STONES and driveways can transform the appearance of your home and, or playinyg areas, at LANDSCAPE LAWN , we take great pride in our craftsmanship and proud of all the work we've completed. Whether it's for practical, designing or decorative purposes, we can offer various landscaping styles, designing, materials and finishesPAVING :BOND PAVINGINTERLOCKING PAVINGBLOCK PAVINGBLOCK N TURFWHEATSTONE PAVING etcNATURAL GRASS :LM BEREABUFFALOCYNODONEGULF GREENKIKUYUARTIFIAL GRASS RANGE:10mm eco20mm eco25MM AUTUMN/SPRING GRASS30MM AUTUMN & SPRING GRASS35MM SUMMER GRASSPETSCAPE GRASSNB: Artificial Products 8yrs WARRANTYDECORATIVE STONES13 & 19MM BROWN GREY STONES13 & 19MM WOCESTER STONESGABION STONESWHITE STONES [IN BAGS]SMOOTH RIVER STONES [IN BAGS]INSTALLATION PROCESS: Clearing, digging[100mm],ground levelling, weed suppressing membrane application[optional], crusher dust application,screeding,dampening, compacting,concrete edging artificial grass gluing/installation.SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION [all products]GARDEN NEEDS:LAWN DRESSINGORGANIC COMPOSTFILING SANDBARK MULCHSUPPLY AND APPLICATIONFOR ENQUIRIES:whatsapp: 0744797908Call: 0744797908
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kura lawnss
Hello there
My name is John, I'm a very trustworthy and highly skilled Gardener with all Housekeeping, Painting, Cooking works experience,
I'm looking for job to work 2 days a week please,
I'm available on Wednesday and Saturday only.
I have over 15 yrs experience and 6 good Contactable References
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Simple Grass Turf is a perfect LANDSCAPINGPING & OUTDOOR SOLUTION in transforming your garden, playground, sports facility , balcony , patios, putting greens, restaurant , roof top, pool side, or interior into a low maintenance that you can enjoy all year round. We do have largest durable and quality guaranteed selection of MATERIALS and PRODUCTS , as well as all OUTDOOR do provide an holistic services to residents , corporates and schools around WESTERN CAPESERVICES :ARTIFICIAL GRASSNATURAL GRASSIRRIGATIONLANDSCAPING DESIGNDECORATIVE STONESGABION WALLSSTEEL AND WOOD FURNITUREPALISADESCARPORT SAIL SHADESASTRO/ARTIFICIIAL GRASS :9mm DIY turf20mm TURF<•> 25mm Atumn grass<.>30mm ATUMN & SPRING GRASS<.>35mm SUMMER GRASS#Petscape 30mm -ROLL ON LAWN GRASS RANGE:KIKUYUCYNODONEGULF GREENFIDDLERS GREENLM BEREABUFFALOGARDEN NEEDS:ORGANIC COMPOSTLAWN DRESSINGBARK MULCHDECORATIVE PEBBLE STONESWHY SIMPLE GRASS TURF:*aftercare services*references*our products U.V protected*credentialled and creative installers*more than 8yrs guaranteeWhen commissioned to install synthetic grass ,we ensure the highest grade materials are used. Each job is unique and several key factors affect what products used. Therefore , we consider ground stabilization, access, drainage requirements, creative edge finish , wear and tear,security , traffic and durabilityINSTALLATION PROCESS:-clearing, digging (10mm depth) and levelling the area,Weed suppressing membrane application ,Crusher dust application ,screeding, dampening , compacting ,shock absorbent material -optional,handpack the edging/concrete edging , repeating compacting ,rolling out lawn ,aligning grass to a desired size and shape, reinforcing the join with glue and defibrillating the new lawn inorder to raise the yarns. DONEEnquiries and : 0656327039Email
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We supply, deliver and install top quality instant roll= on grass our grass is 100% weed free, fresh and green straight from our farms we offer our services at affordable prices to all our valued customers all over western cape in stock we have:
× kikuyu grass
× buffalo grass
× l m berea
× cynodon grass
× gulf green grass
o u r services includes:
@) grass delivery
@) removing of oldgrass
@) digging of the ground
@) level of the ground
@) spreading of compost
@) laying of new grass
@) site cleanings
as part of our stock we also supply garden soils and decorative garden stones, at affordable rates
#) garden soils
) top soils
) composts
) lawn dressing
) potting soil
) bark mulch
* decorative garden stones:
1) 6mm garden stones
2) 13mm garden stones
3) 19mm garden stones
4) 22mm garden stones
on tree felling we offer the following services:
) tree felling
) tree transplanting
) palm removal
) palm trimming
) plot clearance
) stump removal
) garden refuses removal
c a l l o r w h a t s a p p o n: 0691924318
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MIKE'S GARDENS AND LANDSCAPING WILL TRANSFORM YOUR GARDEN, BACK OR °FRONT YARD, PATH WAY, POOLSIDE PLAYGROUND AND SOCCER FIELDS. WITH DIFFERENT UNLIMITED OUTDOOR LOOK IN EVERY SESSION OF THE YEAR °FACILITIES USING, GREEN TRUST IN °CAPE TOWN WE DO SPECIALIZE IN MAINTENANCE&SERVICES WE SUPPLY °DELIVERY,INSTALLATION ,MAINTAIN OR °REDO YOUR EXISTING PAVING OR °ARTIFICIAGARDEN DECORATING WITH °PEBBLES STONES, BALK MULCH °SYNTHETIC GRASS OR INSTANT ROLL ON °LWAN °GARDEN RENOVATION AND COBBLE °EDGING °100%WEED FREE NATURAL ROLL ON °GRASS RANGE °BUFFALO GRASS °LM BEREA GRASS °FIDDLERS GREEN GRASS °CYNODON GRASS °GULF GREEN GRASS °KIKUYU GRASS Services °Removing of old grass°Digging of the ground°Leveling of the ground°Composting °Laying of the new green grass°Rolling of the new grass°About °100% STERILIZED °WEEDS FREE °FRESH AND GREEN FROM THE FARM °BUFFALO :IS DRAUGHT RESISTANT, LOW °MAINTENANCE, EVERY GREEN °THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AND LESS °WATERING °LM BEREA : HIGH IN MAINTENANCE, °MORE WATER, GRWO WELL IN SHADES °AND VERY NICE AND SOFT TO PETS AND °KIDS °SYNODONE :IS FOR BALLING PLACES, °PLAYGROUND, SOCCER FIELDS, SHADE °OVER CAN GROW WELL IN ALL KINDS OF °WEATHER CONDITIONS °KIKUYU :CHEAP TO MAINTAIN, PETS AND °KIDS FRIENDLY, NEEDS 50% OF SUNLIGHT °IT DOES NOT GROW WE IN SHADE °GARDEN DESIGNING AND DECORATING °PEBBLES STONES °6mm Garden stones°13mm Garden stones°19mm Garden stones°22mm Garden stones°WATER WISE MANAGEMENT ARTIFICIAL °GRASS °9MM DIY TURF °20MM AUTUMN °25MM ASTRO °30MM SPRING GREEN /SUMMER °35 MM PETSCAPE °DRY LANDSCAPING SOLUTION PAVING °TYPES °BLOCK PAVING °BOND PAVING °INTERLOCK PAVING °WHITESTONE PAVING °COBBLESTONE °STANDARD PAVING °HALF BRICK PAVING PAVING COLORS °BROWN, GREY, CHARCOAL, MIX AND RED°GARDEN SOIL AND NEEDS °Top Soil°Compost°Lawn dressing°Potting SOIL°Bark mulch°Compost mix with top Soil°Instant delivery available°reasonable price °Phillipi sand°Malmersbury sand°Filling sand°Rubble Remova°Ground preparation °painting labor only Services °Reliability and professionalism is our °priority°Reference°Open 6 days a week°Our products are U. V protected°Quality services °Professional and skilled installs°Hard workmanship°Aftercare services °Site cleaning °INSTALLATION PROCESS °clearing, digging (10mm depth) and °levelling the area,Weed suppressing °membrane application ,Crusher dust °application ,screeding, dampening , °compacting ,shock absorbent material °-optional,handpack the edging/concrete °edging , repeating compacting ,rolling out °lawn ,aligning grass to a desired size and °shape, reinforcing the join with glue and °defibrillating the new lawn inorder to raise °the yarns. DONEWe get the job done in time °Enquiries and qoute°for quick response what's app only Mike mayora 0837823406 °Calls text and what's app 0670253191 °
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I do professional hedge trimming at a good competitive pricing. Call for your free quote 0788448400
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