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Pavers for sale
R 34
11 Photo(s)
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We (Cape Paving) maintain a very high standard when it comes to our creating slabs, Outdoor pavers and paving slabs in which we use very good quality materials at an affordable rate to ensure that the pavers look their best at the best price. Visit our showroom/factory to see the product yourself and your mind would be made. We manufacture cobbles, paving slabs, Garden Pavers, pool coping, paving stone, cobblestone, Cement Pavers, Large Pavers, landscape paving, Paving stone, driveway pavers, Outdoor pavers, Patio pavers and concrete pavers which are a great solution for driveways and patio.
600x600x45 smooth slabs R75 each (R208.30 Per meter square - Includes VAT)
600x300x45 smooth slabs R42 each (R233.33 Per meter square - Includes VAT)
300x300x45 smooth slabs R24 each (R266.67 Per meter square - Includes VAT)
400x400x35 slabs R34 textured each (R212.50 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
400x400x45 slabs R36 textured each (R225 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
400x200x45 slabs R20 textured each (R250 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
200x200x45 slabs R9.5 textured each (R237.50 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
100x100x45 cobbles R2.25 textured each (R225 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
Pattern Design (400x400,400x200,200x200) – R262 Per square meter (Includes VAT)
The product comes in 5 different main colors which are Light grey, Kalahari, Dessert Sandstone, Terracota, Charcoal.
Visit us at our showroom: Unit 5, 12 Bertie Avenue, Epping 2 (Company: Cape Paving)
For detailed stock availibilty please give us a call on:
0215342315 or
Items Available: 1
600x600x45 smooth slabs R75 each (R208.30 Per meter square - Includes VAT)
600x300x45 smooth slabs R42 each (R233.33 Per meter square - Includes VAT)
300x300x45 smooth slabs R24 each (R266.67 Per meter square - Includes VAT)
400x400x35 slabs R34 textured each (R212.50 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
400x400x45 slabs R36 textured each (R225 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
400x200x45 slabs R20 textured each (R250 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
200x200x45 slabs R9.5 textured each (R237.50 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
100x100x45 cobbles R2.25 textured each (R225 Per meter square – Includes VAT)
Pattern Design (400x400,400x200,200x200) – R262 Per square meter (Includes VAT)
The product comes in 5 different main colors which are Light grey, Kalahari, Dessert Sandstone, Terracota, Charcoal.
Visit us at our showroom: Unit 5, 12 Bertie Avenue, Epping 2 (Company: Cape Paving)
For detailed stock availibilty please give us a call on:
0215342315 or
Items Available: 1
Id Subtitle 721640453
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Cape Paving
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We offer our services at affordable prices to all our valued customers all over Western Cape.
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20 MM Atumn grass
25 MM Atumn grass
35 MM Atumn grass
40 MM Petscape Grass
☆Kikuyu Grass
☆Buffalo Grass
☆Berea (LM)
☆Cynodon Grass
☆Gulf Green
BEST QUALITY OF PAVING SLABS & AFFORDABLE..[Rockface Paver, Cobbles, Pool Coppings and Vastraps]
We supply and fit different types of paving at reasonable prices
■Removing of old grass
■Digging of the ground
■Leveling of the ground
■Spreading of the composts
■Laying of the new grass
■Rolling of the new grass
■Site cleanings
☆Top soils
☆Lawn dressing
☆Potting Soil
☆Landscape mix
☆Bark Mulch
☆6mm Garden Stones
☆13mm Garden Stones
☆19mm Garden Stones
☆22mm Garden Stones
°Brown,Grey,White & Mixed Colours
°Instant deliveries available
°Discounts from 5 cubes and more
°Affordable prices available We do all LANDSCAPING designs from ARTIFICIAL GRASS to Natural GRASS, DECORATIVE PEBBLE STONES to PAVING for all dry LANDSCAPING to save water.
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We offer ours services at affordable prices to all our valued customers all over western cape
www capegardenslandscape co za
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i n s t o c k w e h a v e:
a r t i f i c i a l l a w n :
20 m m atumn grass
25 m m atumn grass
35 m m atumn grass
40 m m petscape grass
r o l l o n l a w n
☆ kikuyu grass
☆ buffalo grass
☆ berea ( l m)
☆ cynodon grass
☆ gulf green
b e s t q u a l i t y o f p a v i n g s l a b s & a f f o r d a b l e [ rockface paver, cobbles, pool coppings and vastraps]
we supply and fit different types of paving at reasonable prices
o u r f u l l s e r v i c e i n c l u d e s;
■ removing of old grass
■ digging of the ground
■ leveling of the ground
■ spreading of the composts
■ laying of the new grass
■ rolling of the new grass
■ site cleanings
a s p a r t o f o u r s t o c k, w e a l s o s u p p l y g a r d e n s o i l s a n d d e c o r a t i v e g a r d e n s t o n e s a t a f f o r d a b l e r a t e s
● g a r d e n s o i l s
☆ top soils
☆ composts
☆ lawn dressing
☆ potting soil
☆ landscape mix
☆ bark mulch
● d e c o r a t i v e g a r d e n s t o n e s
☆6mm garden stones
☆13mm garden stones
☆19mm garden stones
☆22mm garden stones
n o t e
w e o f f e r;
° brown, grey, white & mixed colours
° instant deliveries available
° discounts from 5 cubes and more
° affordable prices available we do all l a n d s c a p i n g designs from a r t i f i c i a l g r a s s to natural g r a s s, d e c o r a t i v e p e b b l e s t o n e s to p a v i n g for all dry l a n d s c a p i n g to save water
( s u p p l y n i n s t a l l a t i o n)
g a r d e n n e e d s
( s u p p l y n i n s t a l l a t i o n)
p a v i n g
c o b b l e s t o n e
s l a b s
b o n d
i n t e r l o c k
h a l f b r i c k
s t a n d a r d
w h e a t s t o n e
( s u p p l y n i n s t a l l aa see less see less
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Artificial Grass
R 40
W e a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l s w i t h i m m e n s e e x p e r i e n c e i n i n s t a l l a t i o n & l a y i n g o f i n s t a n t r o l l o n l a w n
t h e s e a r e t h e f o l l o w i n g t y p e s o f l a w n w e d e a l w i t h
1▪ k i k u y u= r40
2▪ l m b e r e a = r90 m2
3▪ b u f f a l o = r100 m2
4▪ g u l f g r e e n= r75 m2
5▪ k w e e k c y n o d o n = r65 m2
d e l i v e r y we always deliver exactly the right type of grass you order we cut and deliver fresh lawn from farm then make sure it is installed the same day • 2 l a n d p r e p a r a t i o n this includes digging , removal of old lawn
3 l e v e l i n g we then rake away all unnecessary debris like roots from old lawn or grass, raking away all stones, lumps of soil which can cause the land to be uneven we do this using a metal rake 4 c o m p o s t we then spread some organic compost
5 w a t e r i n g & i n s t a l l a t i o n o f n e w l a w n we advise customers to water the area after installing new grass
6 r o l l i n g we then roll over newly planted grass to get rid of air between the lawn and the ground rolling also makes the new lawn even and flat so that once your lawn is well established you won't feel those bumps during mowing
w e a l w a y s d e l i v e r f r e s h l a w n , t h e c o r r e c t m2 y o u o r d e r, t h e c o r r e c t t y p e o f l a w n o r d e r d •
s t o n e p e b b l e s i n s t o c k:
b r o w n s t o n e s:
• 19mm brown stones: r1200 per m3
• 13mm brown stones: r1200per m3
grey stones
• 19mm grey stones : r1200per m3
• 13mm grey stones : r1200 per m3
mixed brown and white stones
• 19mm mixed stones : r1200per m3
• 13mm mixed stones : r1200 per m3
gravel stones : r1200per m3
g a r d e n o r g a n i c p r o d u c t s i n s t o c k:
a) compost r600 m3
b) lawn dressing r600 m3
c) topsoil r600 m3
e) bark r850 m3
for more information call whats app number( 0658701510)
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Contact f/price
With Cobbles, Pavers from Stone and Bark, you can transform your garden into a beautiful show piece!
GARDEN PAVERS and COBBLES-- are decorative elements that can be used to create pathways, patios and more paved areas in the garden. They come in different sizes and colors that can help an awesome outdoor living space.VISIT us at 32 Montague Drive, Montague Gardens (entrance at the BP Petrol station)CALL us at 021 555 2782 / 021 551 5912 / 021 551 4402Email: info - look for us on FACE BOOK .THANK YOU FOR USING US ..!!!
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Stone & Bark
Contact f/price
We deliver nice river stones
We have all sizes of stones
We offer better price per square metre fit and supply
River stones
Brown stones
Contact ASHLEY call or WhatsApp on
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We offer our services at affordable prices to all our valued customers all over western cape
www capegardenslandscape co za
[hidden information]
i n s t o c k w e h a v e:
a r t i f i c i a l l a w n :
20 m m atumn grass
25 m m atumn grass
35 m m atumn grass
40 m m petscape grass
r o l l o n l a w n
☆ kikuyu grass
☆ buffalo grass
☆ berea ( l m)
☆ cynodon grass
☆ gulf green
b e s t q u a l i t y o f p a v i n g s l a b s & a f f o r d a b l e [ rockface paver, cobbles, pool coppings and vastraps]
we supply and fit different types of paving at reasonable prices
o u r f u l l s e r v i c e i n c l u d e s;
■ removing of old grass
■ digging of the ground
■ leveling of the ground
■ spreading of the composts
■ laying of the new grass
■ rolling of the new grass
■ site cleanings
a s p a r t o f o u r s t o c k, w e a l s o s u p p l y g a r d e n s o i l s a n d d e c o r a t i v e g a r d e n s t o n e s a t a f f o r d a b l e r a t e s
● g a r d e n s o i l s
☆ top soils
☆ composts
☆ lawn dressing
☆ potting soil
☆ landscape mix
☆ bark mulch
● d e c o r a t i v e g a r d e n s t o n e s
☆6mm garden stones
☆13mm garden stones
☆19mm garden stones
☆22mm garden stones
n o t e
w e o f f e r;
° brown, grey, white & mixed colours
° instant deliveries available
° discounts from 5 cubes and more
° affordable prices available we do all l a n d s c a p i n g designs from a r t i f i c i a l g r a s s to natural g r a s s, d e c o r a t i v e p e b b l e s t o n e s to p a v i n g for all dry l a n d s c a p i n g to save water
( s u p p l y n i n s t a l l a t i o n)
g a r d e n n e e d s
( s u p p l y n i n s t a l l a t i o n)
p a v i n g
c o b b l e s t o n e
s l a b s
b o n d
i n t e r l o c k
h a l f b r i c k
s t a n d a r d
w h e a t s t o n e
( s u p p l y n i n s t a l l aa see less see less
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Mr lawn
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