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2013 Volkswagen Polo Vivo Hatch 1.4 Trendline

R 129,900

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1 month ago134 views
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General Details
For Sale By:Dealer
Body Type:Hatchback
Drive Type:4x2
Fuel Type:Petrol
Our primary concern is the satisfaction of our many customers. We will appreciate the opportunity to add you to our growing list of satisfied customers. Our commitment to customer service is second to none. Most of our customers are repeat and referral. This vehicle will be welcome anywhere you want to take it because of its classic clean looks beautiful lines. It's easy to see that this vehicle was always garaged and extremely well cared for. Be the envy of all your friends buy owning this beauty. Keep in mind; all pre-owned vehicles are one of a kind and this one can be yours today!
We work hard to make you the best deal on the vehicle you have always wanted. After all, we know how we take care of you today determines your desire to do business with us in the future. We strive to make buying or leasing your next vehicle a pleasant and rewarding experience. Just ask anyone that has done business with us. Everyone needs to own a vehicle like this at least once in their lifetime. Your time is now! This cream puff is a non-smoker vehicle. Clean and fresh... just like new. This beautiful vehicle is a pleasure to drive. You'll never get tired of driving this fantastic vehicle due to its seating being fully adjustable. In addition, your passengers will appreciate the reclining seat feature they may use during long distance trips. There are no driver blind spots to hinder your ability to drive or travel with complete safety anywhere you care to go in this quality vehicle. Like-new superior quality carpeting provides added comfort and compliments the seating and other trim surfaces you are going to love about this vehicle. Like new leather seating surfaces and trim accent the many other interior qualities of this beautiful vehicle. The interior of this amazing vehicle looks as good as new. It is evident the prior owner of this vehicle always had a tremendous amount of pride of ownership. This like-new vehicle was always garaged and well maintained in all aspects. There are no body dents or dings that could possibly affect the overall beauty and exceptional condition of this quality vehicle. The comfort-touch switches and knobs onboard are going to feel great to your touch as you use them to perform their specific functions. The premium fabric seating surfaces that compliment this popular model will last for years to come.

Volkswagen Polo Vivo Hatch 1.4 Trendline

Power - 63 kW @ 5000 rpm
Torque - 132 Nm @ 3600 rpm
Economy - 6.2 l/100km
Emissions - 147 g/km
Emissions Rating - EU2
Gears - 5 / FRONT
Acceleration - 12.2 seconds
Top Speed - 177 km/h
Airbags (total) - 2
Length - 3,916 mm
Seats - 5
Fuel Tank Capacity - 45 litres
Boot Capacity - 270 litres
Service Intervals - 15,000 km

Dealer: Autoworld KZN
Stock No: D548

GAIT REF ID: 4553277 - GAIT ACC ID: 213583
Id Subtitle 1312883168
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Vehicle Finance Calculator
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Estimated monthly repaymentR 2,523
Total vehicle loan amountR 129,900
Total interestR 51,736
Total repaymentR 181,636
Interest rate at 11.75% for 72 months *
* The default interest rate is a guideline benchmarked against the prime lending rate. Banking institutions may choose to lend to individuals at a rate above or below our benchmark.
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