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285/30 R20 used tyres and Enzo 0783455713


3 months ago45 views
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General Details
For Sale By:Dealer
Tyre Size:Other
Vehicle Type:Other
All sizes of tyres from 12" to 24"with b8rands such as continental, dunlop, hankook , bf goodrich ,pirelli firestone, goodyear and many more brands all are available on stock * our prices include free fitting and balancing all of our tyres are 80 to 85 % of tread left with no patch no plug clean tyres we also do the following : * alignment * changing of shocks * repair aluminum and steel rims * patch *suspension and break peds we also have the following sizes on stock 245 45 19 235 55 19 225 65 19 255 50 19 195 65 16 205 55 16 205 50 16 255 35 18 255 45 18 245 50 18 265 35 18 275 40 20 245 70 18 225 60 17 215 60 16 185 65 15 195 55 16 225 40 18 265 65 17 315 70 17 315 75 17 225 35 20 255 35 20 305 30 20 225 55 19 235 35 19 225 35 19 225 45 18 225 50 18 215 55 18 225 60 17 235 55 17 225 60 17 245 35 18 255 55 17 275 35 20 295 40 20 205 60 16 255 55 19 255 40 21 285 35 21 325 30 21 225 45 17 215 55 17 215 50 17 225 35 20 245 35 20 245 40 17 295 30 20 285 65 17 255 40 18 255 35 18 225 35 19 285 40 20 275 55 19 205 55 17 275 45 20 225 60 17 225 65 17 225 60 16 245 70 16 215 65 16 265 65 17 295 35 21 for more details kindly call whats ap enzo 0783455713
Id Subtitle 1306595307
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