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Study Textbooks: Environmental & Other Modules
R 150
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Environmental Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook
- Environmental Health from Global to Local, Frumkin
- Organic Chemistry, 4th and 5thEditions, Klein
- Earth, Portrait of a Planet, 6th Edition, Marshak
- Integrative Plant Anatomy, Dickison
- Botany, An Introduction to Plant Biology, 6th, Manseth
- Contemporary Human Geography, 5th Edition, Rubenstein
- Introduction to Plant Physiology, 4th Edition, Hopkins
- Plant Biology, 2nd International Edition, Graham
- Integrated Principles of Zoology, Hickman C. P., 2020. McGraw-Hill, 18th and
19th Editions
- Introduction to Botany, Nabors M. W., 2004, Pearson, Benjamin Cummings
- Environmental Management, A Business Approach, 1st and 2nd
Editions, Smit
- Environmental Law, 2nd Edition, Kidd
- Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability some South African
Perspectives, 2nd Edition, Loubser
- Environmental Biology, Fisher
- Environmental Science, Earth as a Living Planet, 8th Edition, Botkin, Keller
- Introduction to Human Geography, 2nd Edition, Dorrell
- Physical Geography, 11th Edition, Petersen
- Urbanization, An Introduction to Urban Geography, 3rd Edition, Knox, McCarthy
- Understanding Earth, 7th Edition, Grotzinger
- Environmental BiotecOccupational Health and Safety Management, A Practical
Approach, 3rd Edition, Reesehnology, Evans, 1st and 2nd Editions
- Africa Diversity & Development, Binns, Dixon, Nel.
- Biochemistry, Campbell 8th Edition
- Biology - Raven, 12th Edition
- Calculus Early Transcendentals, James Stewart, 8th Edition
- Chemistry 2e, Paul Flowers, 2nd Edition, 2019
- Ecotourism, David A Fennel, 4th Edition
- Environmental Economics an introduction, Field and Field, 7th and 8th
- Environmental Education and Ecotourism, Ramirez
- Environmental Transformation a Geography of the Anthropocene, Mark Whitehead,
- Fundamentals of analytical chemistry, Douglas A Skoog, 9th Edition
- Fundamentals of analytical chemistry, Douglas A Skoog, 9th Edition
- An Introduction to Human Geography, 5th Edition, Daniels
- Inorganic chemistry, Martin Weller, 7th Edition
- Inorganic chemistry, Martin Weller, 7th Edition
- Introduction to Geographical, People, Places & Environment, Dahlman, 6th
- Living in the environment, G Tyler Miller, 19th and 20th Editions
- Maritime Economics, Martin Stopford, 3rd Edition
- Organic chemistry, Leroy Wade, 10th Edition
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers : A strategic approach with modern
physics, Knight, 4th Edition
- Physics, 4th Edition, James S. Walker
- Physics, James S. Walker, 5th Edition
- Politics and the environment from theory to practice, 2nd Edition, James
- Principles of Ecotoxicology, CH Walker, 4th Edition
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