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R 250
Business Accounting and Finance for Managers Textbook
R 1,400
Hi! I have the New 52! Birds of Prey issues #0-#23. All in perfect condition. I also have a BOP issue numbered #118; a #1 of a BOP Black Canary and Oracle, and a #1 Black Canary. R1400 for the New 52! Series. R500 for the BOP Black Canary and Oracle. R50 for BOP #118.
R 2,000
Hi! ☺️ I have issues #0-#23 of the New 52! Suicide Squad, all in perfect condition. R2000 for everything. Will happily also courier to different places in SA, but the cost will be added.
R 1,200
Hi everyone, I have Issues #0-#14; #16-#19 of World's Finest Huntress and Power Girl. All perfect condition. R1200 for everything. I will happily courier to anywhere in SA, but the cost will be added.
R 150
Project Management Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Success Project Management, SA Edition, Gido
-Leadership Experience, 8th, Daft
- Financial Accounting for Decision Makers, 10th Edition, Atrill
- Microsoft Project 2016, Chatfield
- Contemporary Management, 12th Edition, Jones
- Technology in Action, 16th Edition, Global Edition, Evans
- Contemporary Project Management, 3rd and 4th Editions, Kloppenborg
- Entrepreneurship, Successfully Launching New Ventures, 6th Edition, Barringer
- Strategic Information Systems Management, Grant
- Fundamentals of Management, 11th Edition, Robbins
- Knowledge Management, Systems and Processes, 2nd Edition, Becerra-Fernandez
- Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace, 12th Edition, Mullins
- Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in The Workplace, 6th and 7th Editions, Colquitt
- Organisational Behaviour, 9th Edition, Robbins
-Project Management, the Managerial Process, 7th and 8th Editions, Larson
- Project Management, Achieving Competitive Advantage, Pinto, 4th and 5th Editions
- Project Finance for Business Development, Triantis
- Successful Project Management, 7th Edition, Clements
- A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, PMBOK, 5th, 6th and 7th Editions
- Operations Management, Sustainability and Supply Management, Heizer, 13th Edition
- Operations Management, Stevenson, 13th and 14th Editions
- Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Boatright, 7th and 8th Editions
- Managing Project Stakeholders, Building a Foundation to Achieve Project Goals, Roeder
- Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases, Fred, 16th Edition
- Project Manager Competency Development Framework, 3rd Edition, Global Standard
-Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology, 6th Edition, Nicholas
R 150
Environmental Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Organic Chemistry, 4th and 5thEditions, Klein
- Earth, Portrait of a Planet, 6th Edition, Marshak
- Integrative Plant Anatomy, Dickison
- Botany, An Introduction to Plant Biology, 6th, Manseth
- Contemporary Human Geography, 5th Edition, Rubenstein
- Introduction to Plant Physiology, 4th Edition, Hopkins
- Plant Biology, 2nd International Edition, Graham
- Integrated Principles of Zoology, Hickman C. P., 2020. McGraw-Hill, 18th and 19th Editions
- Introduction to Botany, Nabors M. W., 2004, Pearson, Benjamin Cummings
- Environmental Management, A Business Approach, 1st and 2nd Editions, Smit
- Environmental Law, 2nd Edition, Kidd
- Environmental Education and Education for Sustainability some South African Perspectives, 2nd Edition, Loubser
- Environmental Biology, Fisher
- Environmental Science, Earth as a Living Planet, 8th Edition, Botkin, Keller
- Introduction to Human Geography, 2nd Edition, Dorrell
- Physical Geography, 11th Edition, Petersen
- Urbanization, An Introduction to Urban Geography, 3rd Edition, Knox, McCarthy
- Understanding Earth, 7th Edition, Grotzinger
- Environmental BiotecOccupational Health and Safety Management, A Practical Approach, 3rd Edition, Reesehnology, Evans, 1st and 2nd Editions
- Africa Diversity & Development, Binns, Dixon, Nel.
- Biochemistry, Campbell 8th Edition
- Biology - Raven, 12th Edition
- Calculus Early Transcendentals, James Stewart, 8th Edition
- Chemistry 2e, Paul Flowers, 2nd Edition, 2019
- Ecotourism, David A Fennel, 4th Edition
- Environmental Economics an introduction, Field and Field, 7th and 8th Editions
- Environmental Education and Ecotourism, Ramirez
- Environmental Transformation a Geography of the Anthropocene, Mark Whitehead, 2014
- Fundamentals of analytical chemistry, Douglas A Skoog, 9th Edition
- Fundamentals of analytical chemistry, Douglas A Skoog, 9th Edition
- An Introduction to Human Geography, 5th Edition, Daniels
- Inorganic chemistry, Martin Weller, 7th Edition
- Inorganic chemistry, Martin Weller, 7th Edition
- Introduction to Geographical, People, Places & Environment, Dahlman, 6th Edition
- Living in the environment, G Tyler Miller, 19th and 20th Editions
- Maritime Economics, Martin Stopford, 3rd Edition
- Organic chemistry, Leroy Wade, 10th Edition
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers : A strategic approach with modern physics, Knight, 4th Edition
- Physics, 4th Edition, James S. Walker
- Physics, James S. Walker, 5th Edition
- Politics and the environment from theory to practice, 2nd Edition, James Connelly
- Principles of Ecotoxicology, CH Walker, 4th Edition
- Research Methods for Business Students, Mark Saunders, 8th Edition
- Social Institutions, Derik Gelderblom
- The Evolution of Economic Thought, Stanley Brue, 8th Edition
- The Global Casino, Middleton, 5th Edition
- The Cultural Landscape an Introduction to Human Geography, James Rubenstein, 12th and 13th Editions
R 150
Science University Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Integrated Science, 7th, Tillery
- Organic Chemistry, 4th and5thEditions, Klein
- Chemistry the Central Science, 3rd and 11th Editions, Brown, Le May
- Molecular Biology of the Cell, 6th and 7th Editions, Alberts
- Critical Care Nursing, a Holistic Approach, 11th, Morton
- Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, 13th Edition, Marieb
- Human Anatomy and Physiology, 13th Edition, Marieb
- Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang
- Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cheng
- Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 13th, Marieb
- Critical Care Nursing, 9th, Urden
- Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 10th Edition, Skoog
- Chemistry, Advanced Topics, 8th Edition, Silderberg
- Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 9th Edition, Silderberg
- Physics for Scientists and Engineers, A Strategic Approach with Modern Physics, 4th and 5th Editions, Knight
- Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 8th Edition, Scanlon & Student Workbook
- Evolution, 3rd Edition, Ridley
- Principles of Biochemistry, 8th Edition, Lehninger
- Prescott's Microbiology, 11th and 12th Editions
- Physical Chemistry, 9th Edition, Atkins
- Biochemistry, Concepts and Connections, 2nd, Appling
- Cell Biology, 3rd Edition, Pollard
- Complex Variables and Applications, 9th Edition, Brown
- Basic Epidemiology, 2nd Edition, Bonita
- Epidemiology, Gordis, Celentano, 5th and 6th Editions
- Pharmacology, 10th, McCuistion
- Pharmacology, Brenner, 5th and 6th Editions
- Inorganic Chemistry, 6th Edition, Shriver
- Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Cayden
- Organic Chemistry, Structure and Function, 8th Edition, Vollhardt
- Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 7th Edition, Skoog
- Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th Edition, Harris
- Physics, James Walker, 4th and 5th Editions
R 150
Computer Programming books:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- - Introduction to Parallel Computing, Trobec
- Introduction to Python Programming and Developing GUI Applications with PyQT, Harwani, Cengage Learning
- Javascript, Vodnik, 6th Edition
- Language, Proof and Logic, Barker-Plummer, 2nd Edition
- Learning Python, 5th Edition, Lutz
- Management Information Systems, Managing the Digital Firm, Laudon, 16th and 17th Editions
- Management Information Systems, O'Brien, 10th Edition
- Microsoft Office 365 Office 2016 Introductory by Freund
- Network + Guide to Networks, 7th Edition, Jill West
- Network + Guide to Networks, Jill West, 8th Edition
- Networking Fundamentals, Panek
- Numerical Analysis, Burden, 10th Edition
- Operating Systems, Internals and Design Principles, 9th Edition, Stallings
- Operating System Concepts, 10th Edition, Silberschatz
- Oracle 12c SQL, Casteel
- Principles of Business Information Systems, 13th Edition, Stair
- Principles of Information Systems_Stair, 9th Edition
- Principles of Web Design, Sklar, 6th Edition
- Problem Solving with C++, 10th Edition, Savitch
- Programming Logic and Design, Comprehensive, 6th
- Software Engineering, Sommerville, 10th Edition
- Starting out with Programming, Logic and Design, 5th Edition, Gaddis
- Systems Analysis and Design in a changing world, Satzinger, 7th Edition
- Systems Analysis and Design, Tilley, 11th and 12th Editions
- Technical Writing, Presentation Skills and Online Communication, Professional Tools and Insights, Greenlaw
- Using Information Technology, 7th and 11rh Editions, Williams
- COMPTIA A+ Core 2 Exam Guide to Operating Systems and Security, 10th Edition, Andrews, West
- CompTIA Network + Guide to Networks, West, 9th Edition
- Visual C# How to Program, 6th Edition, Deitel
R 150
Management Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Crafting and Executing Strategy, 23rd, Thompson
- Making Sense of Change Management, 5th and 6th Editions, Cameron
- Leadership, Iszatt-White
- Management, 12th, Griffin
- Entrepreneurship, The Practice and Mindset, 2nd Edition, Neck
- A Field Guide to Digital Transformation, Stoffers
- Business Mathematics, 14th, Clendenen
- Understanding Management, 12th, Daft
- Small Business Management, 20th, Longenecker
- Strategic Management, A Competitive Advantage Approach, 17th, David
- Sustainable Strategic Management, 2nd, Stead
- Crisis Intervention Strategies, 8th, James
- The Skilled Helper, A Client Centred Approach, 3rd Edition, Egen
- Contemporary Management Principles, Botha
- Exploring Strategy, 12th, Whittington
- Total Quality Management and Operational Excellence, 4th, Oakland
- Management Principles, 7th Edition, Botha
- Fundamentals of Information Systems, 9th Edition, Stair
- Business Information Systems, 5th, Bocij
- Business Management, A Contemporary Approach, 3rd Edition, Nel
- Practising Strategy, 3rd Edition, Venter
- MIS, 10th Edition, Bidgoli
- Essentials of MIS, 15th, Laudon
R 150
Various Books
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any textbook availability)
R 150
Social Books:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any textbook availability)
- Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 11th, Zastrow
- Direct Social Work Practice, Theory and Practice, 10th and 11th Editions, Hepworth
- The Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work, Dominelli
- Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare, 10th, Zastrow
- Sociology Theory, 10th, Ritzer
- Women, Gender and Crime, 1st, Mallicoat
- An Introduction to Group Work Practice, 9th Edition, Toseland
- Understanding Generalist Practice, 8th Edition, Kirst-Ashman
- Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions, 10th Edition, Corey
- Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design, 4th Edition, Creswell
- The Practice of Social Research, 15th Edition, Babbie
- Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences, Gravetter
- Practical Counseling and Helping Skills, 5th Edition, Nelson-Jones
- Research at Grass Roots, for the Social Sciences and Human Services, 5th Edition, Fouche
- Social Research Methods, 6th Edition, Bryman
- Introduction to Psychological Assessment in the SA Context, 5th Edition, Foxcroft
- Synopsis of Psychoatry, 12th Edition, Boland
- Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 10th Edition, Gravetter
- Behavior in Organizations, 10th Edition, Greenberg
- Community Psychology in South Africa, 2nd Edition, Visser
- Current Psychotherapies, 11th Edition, Wedding
- Family Therapy : A Systemic Integration, Becvar, 8th Edition
- Labour Relations, A South African Perspective, 7th Edition, Bendix
- Social Psychology, Nyla Branscombe, 14th and 15th Editions
- Socio-economic Development, 2nd Edition, Szirmai
- Understanding Abnormal Behaviour, Sue, 11th Edition
- Social Research Methods, 4th and 5th Editions, Bryman
- Psychological Assessment in SA, Laher
R 150
Economic Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Managerial Economics, A Problem Solving Approach, 5th, Froeb
- Global Political Economy, 6th Edition, Ravenhill
- Economics for South African Students, Fourie and Mohr, 6th Edition
- Economics, 5th, Mankiw
- Macroeconomics, 11th, Mankiw
- Managerial Economics and Strategy, 3rd, Perloff
- Macroeconomics, 6th Edition, Williamson
- Macroeconomics, 13th Edition, Dornbusch
- Economics, 22nd Edition, McConnell
- Thinking Clearly with data, De Mesquita
- Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business, 2nd Edition, Bradley
- Principles of Macroeconomics, Case, 10th and 12th Editions
- The Macro Economy Today, 13th and 15th Edition, Schiller
- Economics for Business, Begg, 5th and 6th Editions
- Economic Development, 13th Edition, Todaro
- Economics, Global and Southern African Perspectives, 2nd Edition, Parkin
- Public Economics, 7th Edition, Calitz
- The Economy Today, Schiller, 11th Edition
- The Evolution of Economic Ideas and Systems, A Pluralist Introduction, Schneider
- The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 13th Edition, Mishkin
- International Economics, Salvatore, 11th and 13th Editions
- Economic Indicators, Philip Mohr, 6th Edition
- Economics, Anderson, 3rd, 10th and 11th Editions
- Economics, Parkin, 14th Global Edition
- International Economics : Theory and Policy, Krugman, 12th Edition
- Microeconomics, 9th Edition, Pindyck
- Microeconomics, 8th Global Edition, Pindyck
- Macroeconomics_Blanchard_7th Edition
-Macroeconomics_Global_and_Southern_African_perspectives_by_Blanchard_7th Edition
- Macroeconomics, Principles and Policy, 14th Edition, Baumol
- Macroeconomics, 8th Edition, Blanchard
- Mathematics for Economics and Business, Ian Jacques
- Microeconomics, Theory and Applications with Calculus, 5th Edition, Perloff
- Microeconomics for Today, 7th Edition, Tucker
- Modern Macroeconomics, Its Origins, Development and Current State, Snowden
- Principles of Economics, Mankiw, 4th and 10th Editions
- Essentials of Economics, 10th, Mankiw
- Public Economics, 7th, Calitz
- The Circular Economy Handbook, Realizing the Circular Advantage, Lacy, Long
- The Economy, Economics for a changing world, The Core Team
R 150
Supply Chain Textbooks
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any textbook availability)
- Operations Management in the Supply Chain, Decisions and Cases, 8th Edition, Schroeder
- Principles of Supply Chain Management, A Balanced Approach, 5th and 6th Editions, Wisner
- Operations Management, 14th, Stevenson
- Managing Operations across the Supply Chain, 5th, Swink
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 6th, Christopher
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management, 8th, Van Weele
- Global Logistics, 8th, Sweeney
- Managing Quality, Integrating the Supply Chain, 7th Edition, Foster
- Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 7th Edition, Monczka
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management, 10th, Lysons
- Purchasing and Supply Management, 7th Edition, Badehorst-Weiss
- Strategic Logistics Management, A Strategic Supply Chain Management Approach, 2nd Edition, De Villiers
- Logistics, An Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Waters
- Logistics Management and Strategy, Competing through the Supply Chain, 5th Edition, Harrison
- Supply Chain Management, A Logistics Perspective, 11th Edition, Langley
- Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3rd and 4th Editions, Mangan
- Supply Chain Logistics Management, 6th Edition, Bowersox
- Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies, 4th Edition, Simchi-Levi
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Christoper
- Introduction to Operations Management and Supply Chain Management, 4th and 5th Editions, Bozarth
- Industrial Organization, Competition, Strategy and Policy, 5th Edition, Lipczynski
- Supply Chain Risk Management, Vulnerability and Resilience in Logistics, Waters
- Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 7th Edition, Weele
- Purchasing and Supply Management, 16th Edition, Johnson
- Operations Management, Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 12th, 13th Edition, Heizer
- Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17th Edition, Jacobs
- Operations and Supply Chain Management, the Core, 6th, Jacobs
- Introduction to Operations and Supply Management, 5th Edition, Bozarth
- The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management Understanding the Supply Chain, 7th Edition, Rushton
- Operations management, 9 and 9th Editions, Slack
- Supply Chain Management Strategy, Global Edition
- Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning, and Operation by Chopra, Sunil Meindl, Peter Vir Kalra, Dharam, 6th and 7th Editions
- The Procurement and Supply Manager's Desk Reference, 2nd Edition, Sollish
- Handbook Integral Logistics Management, 6th, Schonsleben
R 150
Communication textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any textbook availability)
- Introduction to Information Systems 9th, Rainer
- Embedding Counseling and Communication Skills, Midwinter
- Global Communication, Hamelink
- Experiencing Intercultural Communication, An Introduction, 7th, Martin
- McQuails Media and Mass Communication Theory, 7th Edition, McQuail
- Broadcast Journalism, Techniques of Radio and Television News, 8th Edition, Stewart
- Visual Methodologies, 4th, Rose
- Business Communication, Putting Theory into Practice, Edge, Bursey
- Business Communication Essentials, 8th, Bovee
- An Introduction to Political Communication, 5th Edition, McNair
- Managing and using Information Systems, A Strategic Approach, 6th, Pearlson
- BCom Business Communication, 10th Edition, Lehman
- The Art of Persuasive Communication, A Process, 4th Edition, De Wet
- New Media in the Information Society, Lesame
- The New Strategic Brand Management, Advanced Insights & Strategic Thinking, 5th Edition, Kapferer
- Communication Research, Techniques, Methods and Applications, 2nd Edition, Du Plooy
- The Study of Language, 7th Edition, Yule
- Marketing Communication, An Integrated Approach, 2nd Edition, Koekemoer
- The Interpersonal Communication Book, 15th and 16th Editions, DeVito
- Business Communication Today, 14 and 15th Editions, Courtland
- Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 7th and 8th Editions, Martin
- Media Studies, Media History, Media and Society, Fourie
- Media Studies, Media Content and Media Audiences, Volume 3, Fourie
- Business Communication Essentials, 7th and 8th Editions, Courtland
- Media Ethics in the South African Context, 2nd Edition, Oosthuizen
- Public Relations, Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Fourie
R 150
Human Resources Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Employment Relations in South Africa, A Psychological Perspective, Matjie
- Human Resource Management, 4th, Amos
- Human Resources Management, 9th, Nel & Werner
- Managing Human Resources, 18th, Snell
- Organisational Behaviour, 18th and 19th Editions, Robbins
- Organizational Behavior, Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace, 8th Edition, Colquitt
- Organisational Behaviour, 2nd, Moerdyk
- Quality, 5th and 6th Editions, Summers
- Careers, An Organisational Perspective, 5th Edition, Schreuder, Coetzee
- Career Counseling and Guidance in the Workplace. 3rd Edition, Coetzee
- Personnel Psychology, An Applied Perspective, Coetzee
- Strategic Human Resource Management, Gaining a Competitive Advantage , 12th and 13th Editions, Noe
- Human Resource Management in South Africa, 7th Edition, Warnich
- Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management, 5th Edition, Dodd
- Behavior in Organizations, 10th Edition, Greenberg
- South African Employment Relations, Theory and Practice, 8th and 9th Editions, Nel, Kirsten
- Practising Learning and Development in South African Organisations, 3rd Edition, Coetzee
- Organization Theory and Design, 13th Edition, Daft
- Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practices, 3rd Edition, Meyer
- Experiential Approach to Organizational Development, Brown, 8th Edition
- Human Resource Information Systems, Kavanagh, 4th Edition
- Organizational Behavior, An Evidence Approach, 13th and 14th Editions, Luthans
- Human Resource Management, 11th edition by Derek Torrington
- Human Resource Management, A Contemporary Approach, 8th Edition, Beardwell
- Human Resource Management in Government, a South African Perspective, Van der Westhuizen
- Labour Relations, A South African Perspective, 7th Edition, Bendix
- Managing the Digital Firm, Laudon, 15th & 16th Editions
- Strategic Human Resource Management, Nigel
- Organisational Behaviour, Kinicki, 3rd and 5th Editions
- Organization Development and change, Cummings, 9th Edition
- Social Research Methods, Bryman, 4th Edition
- Sociology a concise South African introduction by Stewart
R 150
Law books:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Hockly's Insolvency Law, 10th
- Business Transactions Law, 9th, Sharrock
- Introduction to Intellectual Property Law, Dean Dyer
- International Arbitration, 7th, Blackaby
- Russell on Arbitration, 33th, Maxwell
- Skills Workbook for Law Students, 2nd Edition, Kok
- South African Insurance Law, Reinecke
- Insolvent Estates, 8th Edition, De Clercq
- Beginners Guide for Law Students, 5th Edition, Kleyn
- General Principles of Commercial Law, 8th and 9th Editions, Schulze
- Litigation Skills for South African Lawyers, 4th Edition Marnewick
- Law@Work 5th, Van Niekerk
- The Law of Contract SA, Private Law, 4th Edition, Hutchison
- Law of Contract, 13th, Richard
- General Principles of South African Property Law, Muller
- Criminology, Theories, Patterns and Typologied, 13th Edition , Siegel
- Damages, 1st Edition, Klopper
- The Modern Law of Evidence, 9th Edition, Keane
- The South African Law of Evidence, 3rd, Zeffertt
- Principles of Evidence, 8th, Lilly
- Fundamental Principles of Civil Procedure,4th, Edition, Theophilopoulos, Van Heerden
- The Law of Persons in South Africa, 1st Edition, Kruger
- Rautenbach-Malherbe Constitutional Law, 7th Edition, LexisNexis
- Commercial Law: Fresh Perspectives, 3rd Edition, Botha
- Introduction to South African Law, Fresh Perspectives, 3rd Edition, Barratt
- Jurisprudence in an African Context 1ed by Bilchtz
- Law and legal skills in SA, Humby, Kotze, Du Plessis
- Law of Delict in SA, 3rd Edition, Loubser
- Contemporary Company Law, 2nd Edition, Cassim
- International Human Rights Law in SA, 2nd Edition, Viljoen
- Corporate Citizenship, Botha
- A Guide to Business Law, Shawn Kopel, 5th Edition
- Companies and other Business Structures in SA, 4th Edition, Davis
- African Customary Law in South Africa, Nhlapo, 1st Edition
- Deceased Estates, 12th Edition, De Clercq
- Civil procedure, 3rd Edition, Stephen Pete
- Commercial Law, 6th Edition, Nagel et al
- Crime Prevention, Approaches, Practices and Evaluations, Steven, 9th Edition
- Civil Procedure, A Practical Guide, 3rd Edition, Pete
- Dugard's International Law, A South African Perspective, 5th
- Criminal Law 7th Edition, Snyman
- Criminal Procedure Handbook, 13th Edition, Joubert
- Equity and the Law of Trusts by Philip H. Pettit
- International Law textbook, Hennie Strydom
Labour_Law_Rules! 4th Edition, McGregor
- Law of Delict Textbook 7th Edition, Neethling
- Legal Pluralism, 5th Edition
- New Entrepreneurial Law, 2nd Edition, Delport
- Political Theory, An Introduction, 4th Edition, Andrew Haywood
- Political Ideologies, An Introduction, 6th and 7th Editions, Andrew Haywood
- Principles of Evidence, Schwikkard, 4th Edition
- South African Constitutional Law in Context
- Statutory Interpretation_ An In - Christo Botha
- Tort Law, 11th Edition, Elliott & Quinn
- The Law of Succession in SA, Jamneck, 3rd Edition, 2017
- The South African Law of Persons, 4th and 5th Editions
- Understanding Jurisprudence, Meyerson
- The Criminal Law Handbook, Bergman
- Complete Criminal Law, Text, Cases and Materials, 3rd Edition, Loveless
- Criminal Procedure Workbook, 2nd Edition, Juta
- Getting to know the Child Justice Act, Gallinetti
- Casebook on Contract Law, 13th Edition, Poole
R 150
Marketing Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Global Marketing, 10th, Green
- Marketing, 13th, Lamb
- Achieving Experience, A Marketing Science and Digital Analytics Handbook, Wheeler
- Social Media Marketing, A Strategic Approach, 2nd Edition, Barker
- Principles of Marketing in the Digital Age, 1st, Tuten
- e-Marketing, the essential guide to marketing in a digital world, 6th Edition, Stokes
- Essentials of Marketing, 5th Edition, Cant
- Digital Marketing, Planning, Optimizing and Integrating Online Marketing, 5th Edition, Chaffey
- Digital Marketing, Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 7th Edition, Chaffey
- International Marketing Strategy, Analysis, Development and Implementation, 8th Edition, Doole
- Consumer Behaviour, 4th Edition, Brijball
- Consumer Behaviour and Analytics, 2nd Smith
- Consumer Behaviour, 5th, Solomon
- Contemporary Retail and Marketing Case Studies 2nd Edition, Nieuwenhuizen
- Sustainability Marketing, A Global Perspective, 2nd Edition, Belz
- Business to Business Marketing, 2nd Edition, Makhita
- Marketing Management, A South African Perspective, 4th Edition, Cant
- Marketing, An Introduction, 14th and 15th Armstrong, Kotler
- Marketing 4.0, Moving from Traditional to Digital, Kotler
- Marketing Management, 15th and 16th, Kotler
- Marketing Strategy in the Digital Age, Kotler
Kellogg on Marketing, 3rd, Kotler
- Essentials of Services Marketing, 4th Edition, Wirtz
- Essential Guide to Marketing Planning, Burke Woods, 4th Edition
- Essential of Marketing, 5th Edition, Cant
- Global Marketing, 8th Edition, Hollensen
- Marketing Communication, An Integrated Approach, 2nd Edition, Koekemoer
- Marketing Management a Decision Making Approach, Venugopal, 2010
- Marketing Value Chain, Makhita
- Public Relations, Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Fourie, Cant
- Product and Price Management, Bothma
- Principles of Marketing, 17th,18th and 19th Editions, Kotler
- Relationship Marketing and CRM, 4th Edition, Tait
- Services Marketing, A Contemporary Approach, 3rd Edition, Boshoff
- Strategic Marketing, Cravens. 9th Edition
- Strategic Marketing, 2nd Edition, Wiid
R 150
Psychology Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Psychopathology, 9th, Barlow
- Embedding Counseling and Communication Skills, Midwinter
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition, DSM-5-TR
- Introduction to Statistics in the Psychological Sciences, Cote
- Group Dynamics, 7th, Forsyth
- Introduction to Counseling Skills, Text and Activities, 4th, Nelson-Jones
- Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy, A Case Approach, 4th, Murdock
- An Introduction to Research, Analysis and Writing, Newsome
- Understanding Abnormal Behaviour, Sue, 12th Edition
- Abnormal Psychology, An Integrative Approach, 8th, Barlow
- Personology: From Individual to Ecosystem, 5th, Moore
- Positive Psychology, Hefferon
- Abnormal Psychology, SA Edition, Barlow
- Life-Span Human Development, 7th and 9th, Sigelman
- Human Development, A Life-Span View, SA Edition, Kail
- Psychology, 6th Edition, Ciccarelli
- Introduction to Psychological Assessment in the SA Context, 5th Edition, Foxcroft
- Synopsis of Psychoatry, 12th Edition, Boland
- Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences, Gravetter
- Implementing Mental Health Promotion, 2nd Edition, Barry
- Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 10th Edition, Gravetter
- Fundamentals of Human Neuropsychology, 7th and 8th Editions, Kolb
- Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 2nd SA Edition
- Biological Psychology, 13th Edition, Kalat
- Applied Sport Psychology, 8th Edition, Williams
- Health Psychology, 9th and 10th Editions, Brannon
- Groups Process and Practice, 10th Edition, Corey
- Introduction to Neuropsychology, 2nd Edition, Beaumont
- Educational Psychology, 13th Edition, Woolfolk
- Careers, An Organisational Perspective, 5th Edition, Schreuder, Coetzee
- Career Counseling and Guidance in the Workplace. 3rd Edition, Coetzee
- Personnel Psychology, An Applied Perspective, Coetzee
- Applied Sport Psychology, Personal Growth to Peak Performance, 8th Edition, Williams
- Biological Psychology, 13th Edition, Kalat
- Cognitive Psychology, Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience, Goldstein, 2nd, 4th and 5th and EMEA Editions
- South African Supplement to Social Psychology, 3rd Edition, Mynhardt
- Essentials if Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, 9th and 10th Editions, Gravetter
- Behavior in Organizations, 10th Edition, Greenberg
- Community Psychology in South Africa, 2nd Edition, Visser
- Current Psychotherapies, 11th Edition, Wedding
- Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind, Cacioppo, 3rd Edition
- Abnormal Child Psychology, 4th Edition, Mash
- Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology, 2nd Edition, Wilmshurst
- Disorders of Childhood Development and Psychopathology, 3rd Edition, Parritz, Troy
- Family Therapy : A Systemic Integration, Becvar, 8th Edition
- Labour Relations, A South African Perspective, 7th Edition, Bendix
- Nervous Conditions, Tsitsi Dangarembga
- Organisational Behaviour in the Workplace, 12th Edition, Mullins
- Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in The Workplace, 6th and 7th Editions, Colquitt
- Psychology themes and variations, Weiten, 10th Edition
- Psychology: An Exploration, Global and South African Perspectives, Ciccarelli
- Psychology: An Exploration, 4th Edition, Ciccarelli
- Psychology: An Introduction, 4th Edition, Swartz
- Sensation and Perception, 11th Edition, Goldstein
- Social Psychology, Nyla Branscombe, 14th and 15th Editions
- Social Research Methods, 4th and 5th Editions, Bryman
- Psychological Assessment in SA, Laher
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Public Policy and Governance Textbooks:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook availability)
- Introduction to International Political Economy, 7th, Balaam
- The Globalization of World Politics, 9th, Baylis
- An Introduction to African Politics, 4th, Thomson
- Administrative Management, 4th Edition, Ferreira
- The Philosophy of Public Administration, A Holistic Approach, Gildenhuys
- Improving Public Policy for Good Governance, 4th Edition, Cloete
- Corporate Citizenship, Botha
- Public International Law, 8th and 9th Editions, Crawford
- Leadership in the African Context, 2nd Edition, Van Zyl, Du Plessis
- The Skilled Helper, A Client -centered Approach, 3rd Edition, Egan
- Strategic Management Towards Sustainable Strategies in Southern Africa, 4th Edition, Louw
- Corporate Governance, Principles and Practice 3rd Edition, Hendrikse
- Business, Government and Society, 13th Edition, Steiner
- Business & Society Ethics and Stakeholder Management, 7th Edition, Archie
- Corporate Governance, Christine Mallin, 4th and 6th Editions
· The Leadership Experience, Richard L. Daft
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· Understanding_Public_Policy_Theories_and_Issues_by_Paul_Cairney
- Social Research Methods, Bryman, 4th Edition
- Sociology a concise South African introduction by Stewart
- Public Economics, 7th Edition, Calitz
- Research at Grass Roots, for the Social Sciences and Human Services, 5th Edition, Fouche
- Social Research Methods, 4th and 5th Editions, Bryman
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Nursing Textbooks
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- Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, 11th, Nettina
- Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology, Koyner
- Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics, 3rd, Curtis
- Pharmacotherapy, A Pathopysiologic, 11th, Dipiro
- Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing, 10th & 11th, Berman
- Clinical Microbiology made ridiculously easy, 9th, Gladwin
- Pharmacology for Nurses, 6th, Adams
- Critical Care Nursing, a Holistic Approach, 11th, Morton
- Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 5th, Woodruff
- Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual, 13th Edition, Marieb
- Human Anatomy and Physiology, 13th Edition, Marieb
- Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 13th, Marieb
- Critical Care Nursing, 9th, Urden
- Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 10th Edition, Skoog
- Pharmacology, 10th, McCuistion
- Pharmacology, Brenner, 5th and 6th Editions
- Psychiatric Nursing, 6th Edition, Bostrom
- Burns and Grove's The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 7th and 9th Editions
- Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness, 12th and 13th Editions
- Brunner Suddarths Textbook of Medical-surgical Nursing, 14th and 15th Editions
- An Introduction to Research for Midwives, 3rd Edition, Rees
- Lewis's Medical-surgical Nursing,12th, Harding
- Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 10th, Hockenberry
- Feigin & Cherry's Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, 8th, Cherry
- Havards Nursing Guide to Drugs, 9th, Tiziani
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