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Graphical communication 2e
R 500
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Graphical communication 2e set by the department of mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering of the university of Pretoria used in module MGC110, second hand and in good condition
Id Subtitle 1316149806
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R 150
Law books:
(Please send a request to 0822530669 to confirm any other textbook
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- Accounting for Attorneys, 2nd, Adams
- Law of Persons and the Family, 3rd, Barratt
- International Law, 2nd, Hennie Strydom
- An Introduction, Administrative Justice in SA, 2nd,
- The Law of Business Structures, 2nd, Cassim
- Information and Communications Technology Law, 3rd,
Van der Merwe
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- Law of Intellectual Property in SA, 2nd, Van
der Merwe
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- Introduction to Intellectual Property Law, Dean Dyer
- International Arbitration, 7th, Blackaby
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- South African Insurance Law, Reinecke
- Insolvent Estates, 8th Edition, De Clercq
- Beginners Guide for Law Students, 5th Edition, Kleyn
- General Principles of Commercial Law, 8th and 9th Editions, Schulze
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GALAXY GOLD BUYERS.We Buy Gold, Silver Platinum:Chains & Pendants,Rings & Earrings,Bangles & Bracelets,Dental Gold.Watches, Gold & Silver Coins & KRUGERRAND.Come in to the office for an FREE evaluation.#279 Lynnwood Rd. Menlo Park. Pretoria.#6 Woodlands Dr. Woodmead. Sandton.#100 Cantonments. Lyttelton. Centurion.
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Elon Musk - How The Billionaire CEO Of SpaceX And Tesla Is
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the Quest for a Fantastic Future, veteran technology journalist Ashlee Vance
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Hughes, and Steve Jobs. More than any other entrepreneur today, Musk has
dedicated his energies and his own vast fortune to inventing a future that is
as rich and far-reaching as the visionaries of the golden age of
science-fiction fantasy.
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