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R2295 FLSKY i6S rc plane Radio Transmitter DSM2 with RC Full Range 2.4GHz 6ch RC RADIO.
R 2,295
Reason for Reporting
FLSKY i6S Radio Transmitter DSM2 with
RC Full Range 2.4GHz 6ch RC RADIO CONTROL better PK DX6i , i6S hardware
advantages over the DX6i are: , Overall heavier, more solid feel . Larger LCD
panel , Backlit LCD , Better menu layout due to increased screen real estate , Secondary
navigation method via four buttons – aids data input while flying or holding
the Tx , Secondary navigation method providesredundancy if the roller fails , More
positive roller movement (when rolling) and enter function (when pressing down)
, Slightly smoother gimbals , Slightly more stable stick grip , Adjustable
battery low voltage ala , i6S hardware disadvantages compared to the DX6i are:
DX6i trim buttons break easily; i6s buttons feel and look similar in design
but can't possibly be worse , DX6i metal switches snap off easily; i6s
switches feel and look similar but can't possibly be worse , DX6i roller fails
or becomes quirky quickly; i6sroller feels and looks better, plus has
4-button-based data entr , i6s "Up" and "Down" buttons
increment oppositely in some menu options , Features: Full range 2.4GHz
Digital Spread Modulation 2
6-channel radio , 10-model memory , ModelMatch , ServoSync , Roller/selector
user interface , Attractive and ergonomic design , Rudder dual-rate , Large LCD
display , Integrated timer , Contrast Adjustment , Dual-speed trim scroll , Model
name and type . Throttle cut , Trainer Mode . Model Copy , Travel adjustment ,
Sub-trim , Servo monitor , Dual rate and exponential
Compatible with any existing DS---(M2) receivers
Airplane Programming Features: Flaps, P-mixes, Dual aileron, V-tail, Delta,
Heli Programming Features: Gyro adjust, Graphic throttle curve, Graphic pitch
curve, P-mixes, Revo mix, Swash type (Normal, and CCPM 120)
CONTACT MARIUS AT 021 703 4102 OR whattsap 0826777754 WATTSAPP. FOR MORE BARGAINS GO TO Hobby shops in cape town mg hobbys open 7 days a week 8am to 7pm..
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