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Scams are everywhere - Here's how to spot them and protect yourself

Safe trading is of utmost importance to Gumtree, which is why we've launched innovative features such as ID Verification to ensure you can buy and sell with confidence.

However, there are always people looking to prey on unsuspecting victims and go to great lengths to make sure their ruse is as believable as possible. It only takes a brief lapse in concentration for the scammer on the other end to get all of your personal information either via calling, sending emails, or text messages that appear to come from reputable sources such as banks or legitimate businesses.

In some cases, people only realise what is happening when it's already too late and this can cause major problems - especially where finances are concerned.

Know what to look out for

Whilst many scams are easy to spot due to spelling errors or a Gmail address, there are some that are extremely sophisticated and convincing. Scammers will go as far as to create fake online profiles and a believable digital footprint to fool unsuspecting victims. There are many scams going around and includes everything from service delivery to farming and holiday rental - basically anywhere money is concerned.

We've put together a list of how to best protect yourself against potential scams:

  • Suspicious links - Don't click on links from a business or financial institutions as this is where data is stolen from. Rather be safe than sorry and phone the said company, letting them know that you've received a mail asking for certain information.
  • Spelling errors - Companies won't make errors when sending communications to customers. So if you see things out of place like spelling errors, misalignment of text or links that prompt you to click, that is a massive red flag.
  • Do research - If you come across a product for sale that is sold as 'brand new' and much cheaper than the retail price, use the internet to get an accurate price of what it currently costs. Scammers will use the premise of cheap pricing to rope potential buyers in.

For more tips, you can also check out this helpful article on staying safe online or visit our helpdesk.

Phishing Scams

If you're shopping on Gumtree, you can check a buyer or seller’s profile to see if they have verified their identity with Gumtree and XDS. Scammers move to where people are, so social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are also becoming targets.

Beware phishing scams like WhatsApp/Text messages sent to sellers, indicating that funds for the item they are selling have been paid to them through a Gumtree shipping and delivery or FedEx service. Sellers are then asked to enter their credit card details to receive the funds.

Do not click on links, enter personal information or download attachments from suspicious emails. Please do not hesitate to contact our Helpdesk. Alternatively, click here for all you need to know about such scams.

Now that you’ve got the knowledge, it’s time to shop! Head to or your Gumtree app (click for Apple & Android), and don’t forget to use your location settings to find local service information close to home.