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Pack Up & Bless The Next Person

You have tons of stuff in your house that you no longer need and at the same time, you aren’t sure whether to list it? Well, sure―you can consider donating it to an orphanage in your city, town or surrounding area.


Figuring what to donate can be quite tedious. But herein we will walk you through some of the stuff that you can donate from your house to the next person. We give to better the nation. We gift to better someone else’s life.
When you compile your to-do list this holiday season, consider adding “donate.”



What Could You Donate?

Donating can become stressful as you get confused with what to give, where and how. But those questions will have answers with this piece.


1. Food parcel/Food bank―Food is a basic need. But some people cannot afford to feed themselves and their families. This includes your canned food that you have in your drawers. Food parcels involve basic foods such as rice, beans, soup, fish, etc., and that can fill someone’s stomach.

2. Toiletry―It’s a lot easier for our bathrooms to clutter with extra toiletries. That is to show you that how essential these are. Some are people that haven’t used soap or toothpaste and bath towels.

These are daily essentials to help keep hygienic. Feeling clean should be a right, not a privilege, but this isn’t always the case. You can make a difference in someone’s life by donating your unused toiletries.


3. Warm Clothes & Blankets―It is winter and the harsh weather has already begun. Meaning, some are people that are now freezing due to lacking warm clothes and blankets to cover at night.

[caption id="attachment_6068" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Source~: Backpacksusa[/caption]


Donating clothing might seem like one small thing, but it’s those small things that add up to big changes. By doing your part, you can help make the world a little better for everyone living in it.


Be the change you want to see in society and lend a hand. By donating your clothes, you create a supply of quality and warm clothes to people in need.

We are aware that finding people or charities to donate to can be strenuous. But through Gumtree, you will be able to identify nearby charities and families in need.

Now that you have the knowledge of what to donate, how tot find donors & where. Head to or your Gumtree app (click for Apple & Android).